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What are Custom Reports?
What are Custom Reports?

It's an index of multiple different data sources to create a report that is useful for your needs.

Jeffrey Mo avatar
Written by Jeffrey Mo
Updated over 4 months ago

We have system reports built into our Reports tab that provide details about your payroll, benefits, and HR. You can also use our custom report feature to build your own reports. In order to create a report that is useful for your needs, you’ll have to select which data you want to include in your report. To create a custom report, click here.

There are many different data sources you can choose from, all of which represent different pockets of information.

Below are all the data sources you have to choose from and what each report field means.

Employee custom reports

EMCUST - Employee Custom: Basic Employee Information

All the data sources that hold employee information will include the Employee Custom data source. It holds a standard list of employee data fields you can select to add to your custom report to differentiate data. We will define each field here and direct you back to this explanation whenever we note a data source that includes this list.

  • LastFirst - Last name, first name

  • Employee Number - Employee number

  • Status - Active or terminated

  • Pay Group - Pay group assigned

  • Location - Location they work at

  • Job - Job

  • Position - Position

  • Job Title - Job Title

  • Clock Number - Clock number they're enrolled with on the clock

  • Hire Date - Hire date

  • PayType - Hourly or salary

  • SSN - Social Security Number

  • First Name - First name

  • Middle - Middle initial

  • LastName - Last name

  • Department – Department
    ​After “Department” if you have other cost center levels they will be displayed here

  • FirstLast - First name, last name

  • Address1 - Address Street Number, Street Name, PO Box

  • Address2 - Apartment, Floor, Suite, Bldg # or more specific information to supplement Address1

  • City - City

  • State - State

  • Zip Code - Zip Code

  • Phone - Phone number

  • Email - Email address

  • Date of Birth - Date of birth

  • Gender - Gender

  • ClockStatus - In or Out

  • Standard Hours - The hours the employee is standard to work

  • Termination Date - Termination Date

  • Task - Task

EMPLMAST1 - Employee Rates

Basic employee information, plus the Employee’s current and historical rates. This employee information is found under the employee’s “Position & Rates > Rates” subsection.

This report is useful to see the employees’ pay rate history, and the assigned clock information.

Employee rate and clock information details found in the report:


  • Rate - the rate of pay.

  • Rate code - the rate or earning code.

  • Start date - the effective date of the pay rate.

Employee Clock Info:

  • Allow IP Address - the IP address approved for the employee to clock in and out.

  • Allow Mobile Punch - indicates if the employee is set up for mobile punch to clock in and out.

  • Allow Text Punch - indicates if the employee is set up for text punch to clock in and out.

  • Allow Web Punch - indicates if the employee is set up for web punch to clock in and out.

  • Biometric Consent IP Address - the employee's IP address when they submitted their biometric consent.

  • Biometric Consent Time Stamp - the time stamp when the employee submitted their biometric consent.

  • Capture Photo on Mobile - indicates if a photo is required when the employee clocks in and out.

  • Do Not Require GPS on Mobile - indicates if the employee is not set up for GPS when they clock in and out.

  • Is Enroller - indicates if the employee is a fingerprint enroller.

  • Time Zone - the employee's time zone.

  • Unique Mobile ID - the employee's mobile device ID assigned to their device.

EMPR - Employee Profiles

Basic employee information, plus the employee’s assigned master profiles and policies. This employee information is found under the employee’s “Profiles” section.

Default profiles and policies that are used in the employee’s profile:

Alert Policy

Meal Policy

EMAccruals - Employee PTO Accruals

Basic employee information, plus the employee’s accrual policy transactions over a period of time. This employee information is found under the employee’s “Accrual Policies” section.

This report is useful to see the employee’s PTO accruals, balance, and what pay period they used PTO. This report shows a breakdown of the employee’s PTO accruals by pay period. PTO accrual details found in the report:

  • Accrual Code - the accrual policy Code.

  • Accrual Description - the accrual policy description.

  • Allowed Hours - the employee’s current “Allowed” hours.

  • Balance As Of Date - the date the balance was calculated.

  • Balance Hours - the employee’s current balance.

  • Last Accrual Date - the last date any hours accrued.

  • Last Amount Carried Over - the last number of hours carried over.

  • Last Pending Moved - the last date any “pending” hours were moved to “balance” hours.

  • Last Rollover Date - the last date with rollover hours.

  • Pending Hours - the current number of hours marked “pending”.

  • Used Hours - the total number of hours used.

EMAccrual1 - Employee Active PTO Accruals

Basic employee information, plus the employee’s accrual policy’s current balance. This employee information is found under the employee’s “Accrual Policies” section.

This report is useful to see the employee’s PTO accruals, balance, and what pay period they used PTO. This report shows a summary of the employee’s PTO accruals.

PTO accrual details found in the report:

  • Accrual Code - the accrual policy Code.

  • Accrual Description - the accrual policy description.

  • Allowed Hours - the employee’s current “Allowed” hours.

  • Balance As Of Date - the date the balance was calculated.

  • Balance Hours - the employee’s current balance.

  • Last Accrual Date - the last date any hours accrued.

  • Last Amount Carried Over - the last number of hours carried over.

  • Last Pending Moved - the last date any “pending” hours were moved to “balance” hours.

  • Last Rollover Date - the last date with rollover hours.

  • Pending Hours - the current number of hours marked “pending”.

  • Used Hours - the total number of hours used.

EmpDir - Employee Direct Deposit

Basic employee information, plus the employee’s direct deposit account information. This employee information can be found under the employee’s “Payroll > Direct Deposit” section.

The employee direct deposit details found in the report:

  • Account number - the bank account number.

  • Account type - the type of account, such as checking or savings.

  • Amount - the amount per paycheck deposited.

  • Block on additional checks - indicates no deposit from additional checks processed within the same payroll process.

  • Calculation type - the calculation used when determining how much of the paycheck to direct deposit into an account.

  • Nickname - any name used to identify an account for direct deposit.

  • Trans ABA - the bank routing number.

EPMA - Employee Payroll Master Data

Basic employee information, plus the Employee’s first and last recorded check date.

This report is useful when you need a report that lists all or some employees with the date of when they received their first and last paycheck.

EMPLMAST2 - Employee Active Rates

Basic employee information, plus the employee’s current pay rate. This information can be found under the employee’s “Position & Rates > Rates” section.

This report is useful to see the employees’ current pay rate. The employee rate details found in the report:

  • Rate - the rate of pay.

  • Rate code - the rate or earning code.

  • Start date - the effective date of the pay rate.

EmpDed - Employee Deductions

Basic employee information, plus the employee’s assigned scheduled deductions. This information can be found under the employee’s “Payroll > Deductions” section.

This report is useful to see the employees’ current and past deductions. The employee deduction details found in this report:

  • Amount - the deduction amount withheld.

  • Deduction code - the abbreviated name for the code.

  • Deduction description - the description of the deduction.

  • End date - the date the deduction stopped.

  • Goal amount - the total amount that should be deducted from the employee’s paycheck.

  • Payee code - the payee profile used for this deduction.

  • Payee reference - used with the payee when generating agency checks.

  • Rate - used when percent is selected for the calculation rule.

  • Short description - the short descriptive name for the deduction.

  • Start date - the effective date of the deduction.

  • To date amount - total amount of money that has been deducted.

EmpTax - Employee Taxes

Basic employee information, plus the employee’s assigned tax codes. This information can be found under the employee’s “Payroll > Taxes” section.

This report is useful to see what taxes are set up under the employee. T

The employee tax detail found in this report:

  • Additional information - the additional amount the employee requested to have withheld.

  • Additional type - the type of additional amount the employee requested to be withheld can be a fixed amount or percentage.

  • Deductions - the deduction amount the employee expects to claim other than the standard deduction for taxes.

  • Dependent credit - the dependent credit the employee is claiming.

  • Exempt blocked - the tax is exempt or blocked from being withheld and reported.

  • Exemptions - the number of exemptions the employee is claiming for taxes.

  • Is resident - indicates if the employee is a resident of a state.

  • Multiple jobs - indicates if the employee checked the Box 2C on their Form W-4.

  • Other income - employee reports there is another source of income to consider when completing Form W-4 after January 1, 2020.

  • Reciprocity - confirms if there is a state reciprocity that should be considered.

  • Resident PSD Code - used for Pennsylvania locals reporting PSD Codes.

  • Short description - description of the tax.

  • Special exemptions - the number of exemptions the employee is claiming for taxes.

  • State table description - this feature is used on the backend to calculate taxes using the employee’s tax elections.

  • State table code - this feature is used on the backend to calculate taxes using the employee’s tax elections.

  • Tax code - the tax code for the tax withheld.

  • Tax description - the tax description to identify the tax.

  • Tax filing status - the tax filing status the employee claims, ex. “Single” or “Married”.

  • Tax withholding type - indicates if the tax is a federal or state tax type.

  • Tax work location code - the location the employee works and should be taxed.

  • Tax work location description - the tax work location description.

EmpEar - Employee Earnings

Basic employee information, plus the employee’s assigned scheduled earnings. This information can be found under the employee’s “Payroll > Earnings” section.

This report is useful to see the employees’ current and past earnings. The employee earning details found in this report:

  • Amount - the amount entered when a FlatAmount is selected for the calculation rule.

  • Description - the descriptive name for the earning code.

  • Earning code - the abbreviated name for the code.

  • End date - the last day the earnings type

  • Goal amount - the total amount that can be earned in an employee’s paycheck

  • Hours - the number of hours that are entered to be paid for an earning type.

  • Other maximum amount - used with the Other Maximum Type field, this is the maximum limit of funds that can be taken over a period. The earning stops processing if the limit is reached within the specified period.

  • Rate - the rate used to calculate the employee’s pay.

  • Rate code - the type of earning to report with the rate.

  • Short description - the short descriptive name for the code.

  • Start date - the effective date of the earnings.

HR custom reports

EmpInc - Employee Incidents

Basic employee information, plus the employee’s recorded incidents. This information can be found under the employee’s “HR > Incidents” section.

This report can be useful to see a list of employee incidents that have been reported. The employee incident details found in this report:

  • Date - the date the incident occurred.

  • Follow up date - the date of a follow up with the employee.

  • Incident rating - the rating used to assess the incident.

  • Incident type - the type of incident.

  • Notes - any notes entered with the incident.

  • Reported by - the individual that reported the incident.

EMEXP - Employee Expenses

Expense request information submitted by employees. This information can be found under the employee’s “Time & Labor > Expense Requests” section.

This report can be useful to see the list of expenses submitted by employees. The employee expense details found in this report:

  • Amount - the amount of the employee’s expense request.

  • Code - the expense policy used.

  • Department - the cost center (CostCenter1) where the expense will be applied.

  • Department two - the cost center (CostCenter2) where the expense will be applied.

  • Date - the date of the expense request.

  • Deduction code - the deduction code used with the expense request.

  • Earning code - the earning code used with the expense request.

  • EarningDescription - the earning description (e.g., Regular, Sick, Holiday) used with the expense request.

  • Has receipt - confirms if the employee submitted a receipt with their expense request.

  • Job code - the job where the expense will be applied.

  • Merchant name - the name of the merchant listed with the expense request.

  • Note - notes submitted with the expense request.

  • Quantity - the number of units submitted with the expense request.

  • Rate - the rate of the earnings code on the expense request.

  • Reimburse - the expense policy is marked as a reimbursement.

  • RequestStatus - the status of the expense request.

  • Task - the task used on the expense request.

EMPAssets - Employee Assets

Basic employee information, plus the employee’s recorded assets. This information can be found under the employee’s “HR > Assets” section.

This report is useful to see the list of company assets that are currently in the employee’s possession. The employee asset details found in this report:

  • Asset number - the assigned number given to the asset.

  • Asset type code - the type of asset.

  • Asset type description - a description of the asset.

  • Asset value - the value of the asset.

  • Assign date - the date the asset was assigned to the employee.

  • Expire date - the date the asset is considered to be expired or “junk”.

  • Notes - notes about the asset.

  • Return date - the date the asset was returned, or expected to be returned to the company.

  • Returned - the asset’s return status.

EmpTra - Employee Trainings

Basic employee information, plus the employee’s recorded trainings. This information can be found under the employee’s “HR > Trainings” section.

This report is useful to see a list of the employee’s completed training. The employee training details found in this report:

  • Classroom - the classroom where the training was held.

  • Completion date - the date the training was completed.

  • Cost of class - the cost of the training.

  • Credits - the number of credits the training offered.

  • Due date - the date the employee must complete the training.

  • End date - the date the training ended or was completed.

  • Hours - the number of hours the training was scheduled.

  • Instructor - the instructor that provided the training.

  • Notes - notes specific to the training.

  • Retake date - the date the employee is scheduled to retake the training.

  • Score - the score the employee received for completing the training.

  • Start date - the date the employee started the training.

  • Training site - the location where the employee received training.

  • Training status - the status of employee training.

  • Training type - the type of training the employee received.

EmpLic - Employee License

Basic employee information, plus the employee’s licenses. This information can be found under the employee’s “HR > Licenses” section.

This report is useful to see a list of licenses held by employees. The employee license details found in this report:

  • Expire date - the date the license expires.

  • Issue date - the date the license was issued.

  • License certificate - the type of license or certificate issued to the employee.

  • License number - the license number issued to the employee.

  • License type - the type of license issued to the employee.

EmpCont - Employee Contacts

Basic employee information, plus a list of the employee’s contacts, including emergency contacts. This information can be found under the employee’s “HR > Contacts” section.

This report is useful to see the list of emergency contacts, and may be used to have the employee confirm their personal information is updated. The employee emergency contacts details found in this report:

  • Address 1 - the address listed under the emergency contact.

  • Address 2 - the address listed under the emergency contact.

  • City - the city listed under the emergency contact.

  • County - the county listed under the emergency contact.

  • Disabled - indicates that the emergency contact should not be contacted.

  • Email - the emergency contact’s email address.

  • First name - the first name of the emergency contact.

  • Home phone - the emergency contact's home phone number.

  • Is emergency - indicates that you should contact this individual in case of an emergency.

  • Last name - the last name of the emergency contact.

  • Middle initial - the middle initial of the emergency contact.

  • Mobile phone - the emergency contact’s mobile number.

  • Notes - notes about this emergency contact.

  • Other phone - additional phone number for this emergency contact.

  • Relationship - the employee’s relationship with the emergency contact.

  • State - the state listed under the emergency contact.

  • Suffix - the emergency contact’s suffix.

  • Title - the emergency contact’s title.

  • Work phone - the emergency contact’s work phone number.

  • Work phone ext - the emergency contact’s work phone number extension.

  • Zip code 1 - the zip code listed under the emergency contact.

EmpDep - Employee Dependents

Basic employee information, plus the employee’s dependents. This information can be found under the employee’s “HR > Dependents” section.

This report is useful to see a list of the employee’s dependents, and may be used to have the employee confirm their personal information is updated. The employee dependent details found in this report:

  • Dependent phone - the dependent’s phone number.

  • Dependent address 1 - the address listed under the dependent.

  • Dependent address 2 - the address listed under the dependent.

  • Dependent city - the city listed under the dependent.

  • Dependent date of birth - the dependent’s date of birth.

  • Dependent email - the dependent’s email address.

  • Dependent gender - the gender of the dependent.

  • Dependent is disabled - indicates if the dependent is disabled.

  • Dependent relationship - the employee’s relationship to the dependent.

  • Dependent SSN - the dependent’s Social Security Number.

  • Dependent state - the state listed under the dependent.

  • Dependent tobacco user - indicates if the dependent is a tobacco user.

  • Dependent zip code - the zip code listed under the dependent.

  • First name - the dependent’s first name.

  • Last name - the dependent’s last name.

  • Middle initial - the dependent’s middle initial.

  • Title - the dependent’s title.

EmpBenfic - Employee Beneficiaries

Basic employee information, plus the employee’s recorded beneficiaries for life insurance. This information can be found under the employee’s “HR > Beneficiaries” section.

This report is useful to see a list of the employee’s beneficiaries, and may be used to have the employee confirm their personal information is updated. The employee beneficiary details found in this report:

  • Beneficiary Address 1 - the address listed under the beneficiary.

  • Beneficiary Address 2 - the address listed under the beneficiary.

  • Beneficiary city - the city listed under the beneficiary.

  • Beneficiary date of birth - the beneficiary’s date of birth.

  • Beneficiary email - the beneficiary’s email address.

  • Beneficiary gender - the beneficiary's gender.

  • Beneficiary phone - the beneficiary’s phone number.

  • Beneficiary relationship - the employee’s relationship to the beneficiary.

  • Beneficiary SSN - the beneficiary’s Social Security Number.

  • Beneficiary state - the state listed under the beneficiary.

  • Beneficiary zip code - the zip code listed under the beneficiary.

  • First name - the beneficiary’s first name.

  • Last name - the beneficiary’s last name.

  • Middle initial - the beneficiary’s middle initial.

  • Title - the beneficiary’s title.

EmpDoc - Employee Documents

Basic employee information, plus the employee’s documents. This information can be found under the employee’s “HR > Documents” section.

This report is useful to see the employee’s documents. The employee document details found in this report:

  • Document system section - the module section in Fingercheck the document is stored.

  • File comments - comments about the document.

  • File name - the name of the document.

  • File type code - the type of document.

  • Shared with employee - indicates whether the document can be viewed by the employee.

Time card custom reports

TCDetail - Time Card Detail

Time card punches displayed in the Time & Labor > Time Sheet section.

This report is useful to see the employee's time card showing when they clocked in and out. The time card details found in this report:

  • DateWorked – Date worked

  • TimeIn – Time in

  • TimeOut – Time they left

  • Hours – Total amount of hours

  • Department Punched – The department code

  • Clock Number – Employee clock number

  • In Note – Note for in punch

  • Out Note – Note for out punch

  • In Details – Details for in punch

  • Out Details – Details for out punch

  • Department – Actual department employee belongs to

EARequests - Employee Absence Requests

Absence request information displayed in the Time & Labor > Absence Requests section.

This report is useful to see when the employee submitted an absence request. The absence request details found in this report:

  • Code – The absence request code (i.e. VA).

  • Description – The description (i.e. Vacation).

  • Date - Desired date requested off.

  • Reason – Note/Reason requested off.

  • Hours - Hours requested off.

  • Minutes - Minutes requested off.

TimeRaw - Time Clock Raw Data

Individual punches displayed in the Time & Labor > Punch Log section. Useful to see actual punch times instead of times altered due to Rounding or Schedule Policies.

This report is useful to see when the employee clocked in and out. The time clock details found in this report:

  • Actual time - the actual time the employee clocked in or out.

  • Clock number - the clock number the employee clocked in or out.

  • Department - CostCenter1 used when the employee clocked in or out.

  • Department punched - CostCenter1 when the employee clocked in or out.

  • Date - the date the employee clocked in or out.

  • Job description punch - Description of job employee clocked in or out.

  • Job punched - the job the employee clocked in or out.

  • Location - the location where the employee clocked in or out.

  • Mask -

  • Pay group - the employee's pay group found under Employees > Personal > Position & Rates > Details > Pay Group.

  • Punch type - indicates if the employee clocked in or out.

  • Rounded time - the rounded time of when the employee clocked in or out based off the rounding policy set up.

  • Task description punch - the description of task the employee clocked in or out.

  • task punched - the task the employee clocked in or out.

  • Temperature - the temperature at the time the employee clocked in our out.

Attendance custom reports

EMEX - Exceptions

Basic employee information, plus all the exceptions triggered by the employee.

This report is useful to see the employee’s exceptions. The employee exception details found in this report:

  • Actual time in - the actual time the employee clocked in.

  • Actual time out - the actual time the employee clocked out.

  • Code - the exception code used for the policy.

  • Date - the date on which the exception was triggered.

  • Description - the description set up under the exception policy.

  • Hours - total hours of the exception punch pair.

  • Job code - job code associated with the exception.

  • Job description - job description associated with the exception.

  • Message - notes that were entered on the exception under the “Time & Labor > Exceptions” section.

  • Reviewed - indicates whether the exception was reviewed.

  • Rounded time in - rounded time clocked in on the exception.

  • Rounded time out - rounded time clocked out on the exception.

  • Severity - the severity of the exception triggered.

Payroll custom reports

EMPH - Paid Hours

Paid Hours information (based on time card data) per punch pair, including In/Out times, Cost Centers/Jobs/Tasks punched, and the earning code associated with the hours.

This report is useful to see how the employee was paid based on their time card, and how their pay was allocated to cost centers, jobs, and tasks. The paid hours details found in this report:

  • Actual time in - the actual time the employee clocked in.

  • Actual time out - the actual time the employee clocked out.

  • Amount - the gross pay amount. (hours * rate)

  • Clock number - the employee’s assigned clock number.

  • Code - Earning code (e.g., RG - Regular, HO - Holiday)

  • Department - CostCenter1 used on the punch.

  • Department punched - CostCenter1 used on the punch.

  • Department punched description - CostCenter1 description used on the punch.

  • Department two - CostCenter2 used on the punch.

  • Department two punched - CostCenter2 used on the punch.

  • Department two punched description - CostCenter2 description used on the punch.

  • Date worked - the date the employee worked.

  • Description - description of the paid hours.

  • Do not export to payroll - indicates if the setting is enabled/disabled to export hours to payroll.

  • Earning type - the type of earning (e.g., Work = o, Overtime = 1, etc.)

  • Employee number - the employee’s number is found under EMPLOYEE > Personal > Personal > Details > Employee Number.

  • Hire date - the date the employee was hired.

  • Hours - the number of hours the employee worked.

  • Job - the employee’s job found under EMPLOYEE > Personal > Position & Rates > Details > Job.

  • Job title - the employee’s job title found under EMPLOYEE > Personal > Position & Rates > Details > Job Title.

  • Job description punch - the job description assigned to the punch.

  • Job map code punch - the job code assigned to the punch.

  • Job punch - the job assigned to the punch.

  • Pay type - the employee’s pay type is found under EMPLOYEES > Personal > Position & Rates > Pay Information > Pay Type.

  • Pay with payroll check date - the payroll check date hours were paid. (will be blank and set to value if it was forced from retro.)

  • Pay with payroll run number - the payroll run hours were paid. (will be blank and set to value if it was forced from retro.)

  • Pay group - the employee’s pay group found under EMPLOYEES > Personal > Position & Rates > Pay Information > Pay Group.

  • Rate - the rate used to pay the hours.

  • Short description - a short description.

  • Task - the task paid.

  • Task description punch - the task description assigned to the punch.

  • Task punch - the task code assigned to the punch.

  • Temp rate code - the temporary rate code.

  • Termination date - the employee’s termination date.

  • Time in - the rounded time the employee punched in.

  • Time out - the rounded time the employee punched out.

EMPH1 - Paid Hours Crosstab By Type

Basic employee information, plus every type of hours (e.g., Worked, Overtime, Holidays, etc) registered on the employee’s time sheets.

This report is useful to see employees’ hours and pay posted on their time sheets. The paid hours by type details found in this report:

  • Clock number - the employee’s clock number.

  • Clock status - the employee’s current clock status.

  • Department - CostCenter1 used on the punch.

  • Department two - CostCenter2 used on the punch.

  • Date of birth - the employee’s date of birth.

  • EEO category - the employee’s EEO Category.

  • EE tax type - the employee’s tax type.

  • Email - the employee’s email address.

  • Employee number - the employee’s number.

  • Rehire - the employee’s rehire date.

  • Ethnic code - the employee’s ethnic code.

  • Exclude from workers comp - employee is marked to be excluded from workers comp reporting.

  • FLSA Code - the employee’s FLSA Code.

  • Full or part time - the employee’s full/part time status found under EMPLOYEE > Personal > Position & Rates > Status & History > Employee Type.

  • Gender - the employee’s gender.

  • Hire date - the employee’s date of hire.

  • Job - the employee’s job found under EMPLOYEE > Personal > Position & Rates > Details > Job.

  • Job title - the employee’s job title found under EMPLOYEE > Personal > Position & Rates > Details > Job Title.

  • Location - the employee’s location found under EMPLOYEE > Personal > Position & Rates > Details > Location.

  • Mobile phone - the employee’s mobile phone number.

  • Pay group - the employee’s pay type is found under EMPLOYEE > Personal > Position & Rates > Pay Information > Pay Group.

  • Pay type - the employee’s pay type is found under EMPLOYEE > Personal > Position & Rates > Pay Information > Pay Type.

  • Personal email - the employee’s personal email found under EMPLOYEE > Personal > Personal > Contact info > Personal email.

  • Phone - the employee’s work phone number.

  • Position - the employee’s position found under EMPLOYEE > Personal > Position & Rates > Details > Position.

  • Rehire date - the date the employee was rehired.

  • SSN - the employee’s social security number.

  • Standard hours - the employee’s automatic paid hours found under EMPLOYEE > Record > Personal > Position & Rates > Pay Information > Automatic Paid Hours.

  • Status - the employee’s employment status.

  • Supervisor Employee number - the employee’s supervisor’s employee number.

  • Task - the employee’s assigned task.

  • Tax location - the employee’s default tax location.

  • Termination date - the date the employee was terminated.

  • Termination reason - the reason the employee was terminated.

  • Workers comp code - the employee’s workers comp policy.

  • Absence amount - the amount paid under absence.

  • Absence day count - the number of days the employee was absent.

  • Absence hours - the number of hours the employee was absent.

  • Break amount - the total gross pay of break (hours * rate).

  • Break hours - the number of hours the employee received a break.

  • Holiday amount - the holiday pay amount (hours * rate).

  • Holiday hours - the number of hours the employee was paid for a holiday.

  • Meal amount - the amount towards meals (hours * rate).

  • Meal hours - the number of hours the employee received a meal.

  • Misc amount - the amount towards Misc (Hours * rate).

  • Misc hours - the number of hours the employee was paid for miscellaneous.

  • Overtime amount - the amount towards overtime.

  • Overtime hours - the number of overtime hours the employee worked.

  • Premium amount - the amount towards premium pay (hours * rate).

  • Premium hours - the number of hours the employee worked towards premium.

  • Rate - the rate of pay.

  • Worked amount - the total gross pay for worked hours (hours * rate).

  • Worked day count - the number of days the employee worked.

  • Worked hours - the number of hours the employee worked.

EMPH2 - Paid Hours Sum

Basic employee information, plus paid hours data (based on time cards, separated by earning code.

This report is useful to see a summary of the employee’s pay. The paid hours details found in this report:

  • Clock number - the employee’s clock number.

  • Clock status - the employee’s current clock status.

  • Department - CostCenter1 used on the punch.

  • Department two - CostCenter2 used on the punch.

  • Date of birth - the employee’s date of birth.

  • EEO category - the employee’s EEO Category.

  • EE tax type - the employee’s tax type.

  • Email - the employee’s email address.

  • Employee number - the employee’s number.

  • Rehire - the employee’s rehire date.

  • Ethnic code - the employee’s ethnic code.

  • Exclude from workers comp - employee is marked to be excluded from workers comp reporting.

  • FLSA Code - the employee’s FLSA Code.

  • Full or part time - the employee’s full/part time status found under EMPLOYEE > Personal > Position & Rates > Status & History > Employee Type.

  • Gender - the employee’s gender.

  • Hire date - the employee’s date of hire.

  • Job - the employee’s job found under EMPLOYEE > Personal > Position & Rates > Details > Job.

  • Job title - the employee’s job title found under EMPLOYEE > Personal > Position & Rates > Details > Job Title.

  • Location - the employee’s location found under EMPLOYEE > Personal > Position & Rates > Details > Location.

  • Mobile phone - the employee’s mobile phone number.

  • Pay group - the employee’s pay type is found under EMPLOYEE > Personal > Position & Rates > Pay Information > Pay Group.

  • Pay type - the employee’s pay type is found under EMPLOYEE > Personal > Position & Rates > Pay Information > Pay Type.

  • Personal email - the employee’s personal email found under EMPLOYEE > Personal > Personal > Contact info > Personal email.

  • Phone - the employee’s work phone number.

  • Position - the employee’s position found under EMPLOYEE > Personal > Position & Rates > Details > Position.

  • Rehire date - the date the employee was rehired.

  • SSN - the employee’s social security number.

  • Standard hours - the employee’s automatic paid hours found under EMPLOYEE > Record > Personal > Position & Rates > Pay Information > Automatic Paid Hours.

  • Status - the employee’s employment status.

  • Supervisor employee number - the employee’s supervisor’s employee number.

  • Task - the employee’s assigned task.

  • Tax location - the employee’s default tax location.

  • Termination date - the date the employee was terminated.

  • Termination reason - the reason the employee was terminated.

  • Workers comp code - the employee’s workers comp policy.

  • Amount - the total gross pay (hours * rate).

  • Earning description - the description of the earning (e.g., Regular, Sick, Holiday).

  • Earning code - the earning code (e.g., RG, SK, HO).

  • Hours - The number of hours the employee worked.

  • Short description - a short description of the earning.

EMPH3- Paid Hours by Earning

Totals of all paid hours an employee was paid for.

This report is useful to help isolate specific earning codes by editing the “Amount_Code” and/or “Hours_Code” fields. The paid hours by earning details found in this report:

  • Amount_Code - Field to be edited. Code should be changed to the desired earning code (e.g., RG, OT, HO, etc.)

  • Base rate - employee’s rate of pay at the time of punch.

  • Department - CostCenter1 used on the punch.

  • Department two - CostCenter2 used on the punch.

  • Employee number - the employee’s assigned employee number.

  • Hours_xx - select the hours for earning.

  • Amount_xx - the amount for the hour code selected.

  • Job - the employee’s job found under EMPLOYEE > Personal > Position & Rates > Details > Job.

  • Job description - the job description assigned to the punch.

  • Job title - the employee’s job title found under EMPLOYEE > Personal > Position & Rates > Details > Job Title.

  • Location - the location the employee punched.

  • Pay group - the employee’s pay type is found under EMPLOYEE > Personal > Position & Rates > Pay Information > Pay Group.

  • Pay type - the employee’s pay type is found under EMPLOYEE > Personal > Position & Rates > Pay Information > Pay Type.

  • Position - the employee’s position found under EMPLOYEE > Personal > Position & Rates > Details > Position.

  • Standard hours - the employee’s automatic paid hours found under EMPLOYEE > Record > Personal > Position & Rates > Pay Information > Automatic Paid Hours.

  • Status - the status of the employee.

EMPH4 - Paid Hours by Earning by Job

Totals of all paid hours an employee has, separated by job, department, and task punched.

This report is useful to isolate specific earning codes by editing the “Amount_Code” and.or “Hours_Code” fields. The paid hours by earning by job details found in this report:

  • Amount_Code - Field to be edited. Code should be changed to the desired earning code (e.g., RG, OT, HO, etc.)

  • Clock number - the employee’s clock number.

  • Base rate - employee’s rate of pay at the time of punch.

  • Department - CostCenter1 used on the punch.

  • Department description punch - the description of CostCenter1 used on the punch.

  • Department punched - CostCenter1 used on the punch.

  • Employee number - the employee’s assigned number.

  • Hours_xx - select the hours for earning.

  • Amount_xx - the amount for the hour code selected.

  • Job - the employee’s job found under EMPLOYEE > Personal > Position & Rates > Details > Job.

  • Job description punch - the job description assigned to the punch.

  • Job punch - the job assigned to the punch.

  • Location - the location the employee punched.

  • Pay group - the employee’s pay type is found under EMPLOYEE > Personal > Position & Rates > Pay Information > Pay Group.

  • Task - the task paid on the punch.

  • Task description punch - the task description of the punch.

  • Task punch - the task assigned to the punch.

EMPH5 - Paid Hours by Earning by Day

Totals of all paid hours an employee has, separated by date.

This report is useful to isolate specific earning codes by editing the “Amount_Code” and/or “Hours_Code” fields. The paid hours by earning by day details found in this report:

  • Amount_Code - Field to be edited. Code should be changed to the desired earning code (e.g., RG, OT, HO, etc.)

  • Base rate - employee’s rate of pay at the time of punch.

  • Department - CostCenter1 used on the punch.

  • Department two - CostCenter2 used on the punch.

  • Date - the date the employee worked.

  • Employee number - the employee’s assigned employee number.

  • Hours_xx - select the hours for earning.

  • Amount_xx - the amount for the hour code selected.

  • Job description punch - the job description assigned to the punch.

  • Job title - the employee’s job title found under EMPLOYEE > Personal > Position & Rates > Details > Job Title.

  • Job punch - the job assigned to the punch.

  • Position - the employee’s position is found under EMPLOYEE > Personal > Position & Rates > Details > Position.

EMPH6 - Paid Hours Sum by Job

Basic employee information, plus paid hours data (based on time cards), separated by job punched.

This report is useful to see a summary of hours paid to employees for the jobs they worked. The paid hours sum by job details found in the report:

  • Amount - the gross paid to the employee. (hours * rate)

  • Earning description - the description of the earning (e.g., Regular, Sick, Holiday).

  • Earning code - the earning code (e.g., RG, SK, HO).

  • Hours - the number of hours worked by the employee.

  • Job description punch - the job description assigned to the punch.

  • Job punch - the job assigned to the punch.

  • Job map code punched - the job assigned to the punch.

  • Rate code - the rate code used with the punch.

  • Short description - the short description of the earnings.

Payroll1 - Payroll Checks

Basic employee information, plus basic payroll data (by check), such as check dates, department, job, task, total net pay, total gross pay, employee and employer taxes.

This report is useful to view the distribution of employee earnings and taxes by check date. The payroll check details included in this report:

  • Check date - the check date on which the employee was paid.

  • Check number - the check number of the employee’s paycheck, if paid by check.

  • Department check - the CostCenter1 reported on the check.

  • Department check description - the description of CostCenter1 reported on the check.

  • Department two check - the CostCenter2 reported on the check.

  • Department two check description - the description of CostCenter2 reported on the check.

  • Direct deposit amount - the amount of the employee’s direct deposit.

  • Entry type - the type of payroll entry.

  • Gross amount - the total gross pay.

  • Job check - the check number.

  • Job check description - the description of the job check.

  • Net check amount - the net check amount.

  • Net pay - the net pay (gross pay - taxes).

  • Pay number - the pay number of the check.

  • Period begin - the covered period begins date.

  • Period end - the covered period end date.

  • Run number - the payroll run number.

  • Task check - the task code.

  • Task check description - the description of the task.

  • Total deductions - the total amount of all deductions.

  • Total earnings - the total amount of all earnings.

  • Total EE taxes - the total amount of all taxes paid by the employee.

  • Total ER taxes - the total amount of all taxes paid by the employer.

  • Total hours - the total amount of hours worked by the employee.

  • Total taxes - the total amount of taxes paid.

  • Total workers comp - the total amount paid towards workers comp.

  • Void check number - the voided check number.

  • Voucher number - the voucher number used for direct deposit.

Payroll2 - Payroll Check Details

Basic employee information, plus detailed payroll data (by check), such as direct deposit information, gross, exempt, and taxable wages.

This report is useful to view employee wages based on gross, exempt and taxable. The payroll check details included in this report:

  • Amount - the gross paid to the employee. (hours * rate)

  • Charge date - the date the amount was charged.

  • Check date - the check date on which the employee was paid.

  • Check number - the check number of the employee’s paycheck, if paid by check.

  • Code - the code used for this check.

  • Code type - the type of code used for this check.

  • Department check - the CostCenter1 reported on the check.

  • Department check description - the description of CostCenter1 reported on the check.

  • Department two check - the CostCenter2 reported on the check.

  • Department two check description - the description of CostCenter2 reported on the check.

  • Direct deposit amount - the amount of the employee’s direct deposit.

  • Entry type - the type of payroll entry.

  • Exempt wages - the amount of exempt wages.

  • Gross amount - the total amount of the gross pay.

  • Gross wages - the total amount of the gross pay.

  • Hours - the number of hours the employee worked.

  • Job code - the job code assigned to the hours.

  • Job description - the description of the job code assigned to the hours.

  • Memo only - indicates if wages are a memo only.

  • Net check amount - the net check amount.

  • Net pay - the net pay (gross pay - taxes).

  • Period begin - the covered period begins date.

  • Period end - the covered period end date.

  • Rate - the rate paid to the employee.

  • Record number - the record type.

  • Run number - the payroll run number.

  • Short Description - The short description of the earning code.

  • Stub message - the stub message on the check.

  • Subject wages - the amount of all wages.

  • Task code - the task code assigned to the hours.

  • Task description - the description of the task assigned to the hours.

  • Taxable wages - the wages that are taxable.

  • Total hours - the total number of hours the employee worked.

  • Voucher number - the voucher number used for direct deposit.

EMPH7 - Paid Hours by Day by Job

Totals of all paid hours an employee has, separated by date and job punched.

This report is useful to isolate specific earning codes by editing the “Amount_Code” and/or “Hours_Code” fields. The paid hours by day by job details found in this report:

  • Amount_Code - Field to be edited. Code should be changed to the desired earning code (e.g., RG, OT, HO, etc.)

  • Base rate - employee’s rate of pay at the time of punch.

  • Department - CostCenter1 used on the punch.

  • Department two - CostCenter2 used on the punch.

  • Date - the date the employee worked.

  • Employee number - the employee’s assigned employee number.

  • Hours_xx - select the hours for earning.

  • Amount_xx - the amount for the hour code selected.

  • Job description punch - the job description assigned to the punch.

  • Job title - the employee’s job title found under EMPLOYEE > Personal > Position & Rates > Details > Job Title.

  • Job punch - the job assigned to the punch.

  • Position - the employee’s position is found under EMPLOYEE > Personal > Position & Rates > Details > Position.

Payroll3 - Payroll Details Cross Tab

Basic employee information, plus basic payroll data (by check), with dedicated columns for all earnings codes, deduction codes, and tax codes.

This report is useful to view the employee’s earnings, deductions and taxes by check date.

  • Amount_Code - Field to be edited. Code should be changed to the desired earning code (e.g., RG, OT, HO, etc.)

  • Base rate - employee’s rate of pay at the time of punch.

  • Department - CostCenter1 used on the punch.

  • Department two - CostCenter2 used on the punch.

  • Date - the date the employee worked.

  • Employee number - the employee’s assigned employee number.

  • Hours_xx - select the hours for earning.

  • Amount_xx - the amount for the hour code selected.

  • Job description punch - the job description assigned to the punch.

  • Job title - the employee’s job title found under EMPLOYEE > Personal > Position & Rates > Details > Job Title.

  • Job punch - the job assigned to the punch.

  • Position - the employee’s position is found under EMPLOYEE > Personal > Position & Rates > Details > Position.

Payroll4 - Payroll Labor Distribution

Shows totals of all payroll earnings, deductions, and taxes, separated by job.

This report is useful to view the employee’s earnings, deductions, and taxes allocated by the jobs they worked. The payroll labor distribution details included in this report:

  • Department code - CostCenter1 used on the punch.

  • Department description - the description of CostCenter1 used on the punch.

  • Department two code - CostCenter2 used on the punch.

  • Department two description - the description of CostCenter2 used on the punch.

  • Deductions - the total amount deductions paid by the employee.

  • Deductions ER - the total amount of deductions paid by the employer.

  • Earnings - the total amount of earnings.

  • Earnings memo - the total amount of employer earnings.

  • Hours - the total number of hours the employee worked.

  • Job code - the job code assigned to hours.

  • Job description - the description of the job code assigned to hours.

  • Job workers comp code - the workers comp code assigned to the job.

  • Task code - the task code punched on the job.

  • Task description - the description of the task code.

  • Task workers comp code - the workers comp code assigned to the task.

  • Taxes EE - the total amount of taxes paid by the employee.

  • Taxes ER - the total amount of taxes paid by the employer.

  • Workers compensation - The employee's workers compensation policy that has been assigned.

  • Workers comp 2 - the employee’s workers comp 2 policy is assigned.

Payroll5 - Payroll Details Cross Tab YTD

Basic employee information, plus year-to-date (YTD) check data, with dedicated columns for all earnings codes, deduction codes, and tax codes.

This report is useful to view the employee’s YTD earnings, deductions, and taxes for each check. The payroll details cross tab details included in this report:

Check information:

  • Check date - the date the check was issued.

  • Check number - the check number issued.

  • Direct deposit amount - the amount of the employee’s check that was direct deposited.

  • Gross amount - the gross amount of the employee’s check.

  • Net pay - the net amount of the employee’s check.

  • Net check amount - the amount of the employee’s pay that was issued as a check payment.

  • Period begin - the pay period start date.

  • Period end - the pay period end date.

  • Run number - the payroll run number.

  • Total deductions - the total amount of all deductions.

  • Total earnings - the total amount of all earnings.

  • Total EE taxes - the total amount of all employee taxes.

  • Total ER taxes - the total amount of all employer taxes.

  • Total hours - the total hours the employee worked.

  • Voucher number - the voucher number issued to the employee.

Earnings information:

  • EarningCurrentAmount_Code - Field to be edited. Code should be changed to the desired earning code (e.g., RG, OT, HO, etc.).

  • EarningCurrentHour_Code - Field to be edited. Code should be changed to the desired earning code (e.g., RG, OT, HO, etc.).

  • EarningQTDAmount_Code - Field to be edited. Code should be changed to the desired earning code (e.g., RG, OT, HO, etc.).

  • EarningQTDHour_Code - Field to be edited. Code should be changed to the desired earning code (e.g., RG, OT, HO, etc.).

  • EarningYTDAmount_Code - Field to be edited. Code should be changed to the desired earning code (e.g., RG, OT, HO, etc.).

  • EarningYTDHour_Code - Field to be edited. Code should be changed to the desired earning code (e.g., RG, OT, HO, etc.).

Deduction information:

  • DeductionCurrentAmount_Code - Field to be edited. Code should be changed to the desired deduction code (e.g., 401K,CS, M, etc.).

  • DeductionCurrentHour_Code - Field to be edited. Code should be changed to the desired deduction code (e.g., 401K,CS, M, etc.).

  • DeductionQTDAmount_Code - Field to be edited. Code should be changed to the desired deduction code (e.g., 401K,CS, M, etc.).

  • DeductionQTDHour_Code - Field to be edited. Code should be changed to the desired deduction code (e.g., 401K,CS, M, etc.).

  • DeductionYTDAmount_Code - Field to be edited. Code should be changed to the desired deduction code (e.g., 401K,CS, M, etc.).

  • DeductionYTDHour_Code - Field to be edited. Code should be changed to the desired deduction code (e.g., 401K,CS, M, etc.).

Tax information:

  • TaxCurrentAmount_Code - Field to be edited. Code should be changed to the desired tax code (e.g., NYSIT,NYSUI, FUTA, etc.).

  • TaxCurrentHour_Code - Field to be edited. Code should be changed to the desired tax code (e.g., NYSIT,NYSUI, FUTA, etc.).

  • TaxQTDAmount_Code - Field to be edited. Code should be changed to the desired tax code (e.g., NYSIT,NYSUI, FUTA, etc.).

  • TaxQTDHour_Code - Field to be edited. Code should be changed to the desired tax code (e.g., NYSIT,NYSUI, FUTA, etc.).

  • TaxYTDAmount_Code - Field to be edited. Code should be changed to the desired tax code (e.g., NYSIT,NYSUI, FUTA, etc.).

  • TaxYTDHour_Code - Field to be edited. Code should be changed to the desired tax code (e.g., NYSIT,NYSUI, FUTA, etc.).

Payroll6 - Employee Tax and Wage

Basic employee information, plus totals of all gross, exempt, and taxable wages registered to the employee.

This report is useful to view the employee’s totals for all wages. The employee tax and wage details included in this report:

  • Display sequence - the sequence of calculation

  • Exempt wages - the total amount of exempt wages.

  • Gross wages - the total amount of gross wages.

  • Subject wages - the total amount of subject wages.

  • Tax amount - the total amount of taxes.

  • Tax Code - the tax code.

  • Tax Code description - the tax code description.

  • Tax code short description - the short description of the tax code.

  • Taxable wages - the total amount of taxable wages.

EMPH8 - Paid Hours Crosstab by Pay Period

Basic employee information, plus every type of ours (e.g., Worked, Overtime, holiday, etc.) registered on the employee’s time sheets by pay date.

This report is useful to view the employee’s totals for all hours reported on their timesheet. The employee paid hours by pay period details included in this report:

  • Absence hours - the total number of hours reported as an absence.

  • Admin approved - indicates the admin approved the time card.

  • Break hours - the total number of hours reported as a break.

  • Check date - the check date of the reported hours.

  • Employee approved - indicates the employee approved the time card.

  • Holiday hours - the total number of hours reported as a holiday.

  • Locked - indicates the time card is locked.

  • Meal hours - the total number of hours reported as a meal.

  • Misc hours - the total number of hours reported as miscelleneous.

  • Off-cycle payroll - indicates the payroll was processed off-cycle.

  • Overtime hours - the total number of hours reported as overtime.

  • Period begin - the pay period start date.

  • Period end - the pay period end date.

  • Premium hours - the total number of hours reported as premium.

  • Supervisor approved - indicates the supervisor approved the time card.

  • Total hours - the total number of hours.

  • Work hours - the total number of hours worked.

EMPH9 - Paid Hours by Day by Job Task

Totals of all paid hours an employee has, separated by date and job/task punched. Able to isolate specific earning codes by editing the “amount_Code” and/or “Hours_Code” fields.

This report is useful to view the employee’s totals for all hours paid by days and jobs. The employee paid hours by pay period details included in this report:

  • Base rate - the employee’s rate at the time of their punch found under EMPLOYEE > Personal > Position & Rates > Rates.

  • Hours_xx - select the hours for earning.

  • Amount_xx - the amount for the hour code selected.

  • Task Description Punch – Description of task punched for

  • Task Punch – Task punched.

Payroll7 - Payroll Totals

Total of payroll amounts by code, plus totals of all gross, exempt, and taxable wages.

This report is useful to view the employee’s payroll totals. The employee payroll total details included in this report:

  • Amount - the total amount paid to the employee.

  • Code - the tax or deduction code.

  • Exempt wages - the total amount of exempt wages.

  • Gross wages - the total amount of gross wages.

  • Hours - the total number of hours the employee worked.

  • Memo only - code used for calculation only.

  • Record type - type of code (“E” for earnings, “D” for deductions, and “T” for taxes).

  • Subject wages - the total amount of subject wages.

  • Taxable wages - the total amount of taxable wages.

Payroll8 - Payroll Totals by Cost

Total of payroll amounts by cost, group by multiple cost codes.

This report is useful to view the employee’s payroll totals by cost. The employee payroll totals by cost details included in this report:

  • Amount - the total amount.

  • Calendar year - the calendar year.

  • Check date - the date the check was issued.

  • Code - the type of code.

  • Department - the cost center (CostCenter1) where the expense will be applied.

  • Department two - the cost center (CostCenter2) where the expense will be applied.

  • Hours - the total number of hours.

  • Memo only - code used for calculation only.

  • Month year - the month and year the payroll was reported.

  • Quarter year - the quarter and year the payroll was reported.

  • Task - the task reported for the payroll.

Payroll9 - Certified Payroll

Basic employee information, plus detailed payroll data (by check), such as direct deposit information, gross, exempt, and taxable wages.

This report is useful to view employee wages based on gross, exempt and taxable. The payroll check details included in this report:

  • Amount - the gross paid to the employee. (hours * rate)

  • Charge date - the date the amount was charged.

  • Check date - the check date on which the employee was paid.

  • Check number - the check number of the employee’s paycheck, if paid by check.

  • Code - the code used for this check.

  • Code type - the type of code used for this check.

  • Department check - the CostCenter1 reported on the check.

  • Department check description - the description of CostCenter1 reported on the check.

  • Department two check - the CostCenter2 reported on the check.

  • Department two check description - the description of CostCenter2 reported on the check.

  • Direct deposit amount - the amount of the employee’s direct deposit.

  • Employee federal tax information - needed for certified payroll reports

  • Employee rates - needed for certified payroll reports

  • Entry type - the type of payroll entry.

  • Exempt wages - the amount of exempt wages.

  • Gross amount - the total amount of the gross pay.

  • Gross wages - the total amount of the gross pay.

  • Hours - the number of hours the employee worked.

  • Job code - the job code assigned to the hours.

  • Job description - the description of the job code assigned to the hours.

  • Memo only - indicates if wages are a memo only.

  • Net check amount - the net check amount.

  • Net pay - the net pay (gross pay - taxes).

  • Period begin - the covered period begins date.

  • Period end - the covered period end date.

  • Rate - the rate paid to the employee.

  • Record number - the record type.

  • Run number - the payroll run number.

  • Short Description - The short description of the earning code.

  • Stub message - the stub message on the check.

  • Subject wages - the amount of all wages.

  • Task code - the task code assigned to the hours.

  • Task description - the description of the task assigned to the hours.

  • Taxable wages - the wages that are taxable.

  • Total hours - the total number of hours the employee worked.

  • Voucher number - the voucher number used for direct deposit.

EmpPODTR - Employee Pay On Demand Transactions

Basic employee information, plus the employee’s pay on-demand transactions (see pay on-demand transaction History section).

This report is useful to view the employee’s pay on-demand transactions. The employee pay on-demand transaction details included in this report:

  • Amount - the amount of the pay on-demand transaction.

  • Approved Declined by - the individual who approved or declined the pay on-demand transaction.

  • Date approved or declined - the date the pay on-demand transaction was approved or declined.

  • Date of draft - the date the pay on-demand transaction was drafted back.

  • Date of request - the date the employee requested the pay on-demand transaction.

  • Deliver date - the date the pay on-demand transaction was delivered.

  • Delivery type - the delivery method used to issue payment for the pay on-demand transaction.

  • Fee paid by - indicates if the fee is paid by the employee or employer.

  • Reference number - the transaction reference number.

  • Scheduled payroll to payback - the date the transaction is scheduled to be paid back.

  • Status - the stats of the pay on-demand transaction.

  • Total payout - the requested amount of the transaction, including the transaction fee.

  • Transaction fee - the total amount of the fee.

AgencyChks - Agency Checks

Payroll agency checks.

This report is useful to view the agency checks issued The agency check details included in this report:

  • Check date - the date the check was issued.

  • Check number - the check number issued.

  • Deduction amount - the total amount of the deduction.

  • Employee name - the name of the employee.

  • Pay method - the agency check pay method (direct deposit or check).

  • Payee Address - the agency check payee’s address

  • Payee name - the agency payee’s name.

  • Period begin - the start date of the pay period.

  • Period end - the end date of the pay period.

  • Record type - the type of record.

  • Total check amount - the total amount of the check issued to the agency.

Audit custom reports

Audit1 - Time Card Audit Trail

Basic employee information, plus all manual changes made to the employee’s time sheets (e.g., changes made by admin/supervisor users).

This report is useful to view the changes made to an employee’s time card. The employee time card changes included in this report:

  • Date - the date the user changed the time card.

  • Field name - the name of the field that was changed.

  • New value - the new value.

  • Occurred at - the time the change was made.

  • Old value - the value before the change.

  • Operation - the type of change.

  • Performed by - the user that made the change.

Audit2 - Employee Audit Trail

Employee information audit data who changed it and when it was changed.

This report is useful to view the changes made to an employee’s data. The employee changes included in this report:

  • Field name - the name of the field that was changed.

  • New value - the new value.

  • Occurred at - the time the change was made.

  • Old value - the value before the change.

  • Operation - the type of change.

  • Performed by - the user that made the change.

Audit3 - Employee Detail Audit Trail

Employee detail information e.g. direct deposit, earnings, audit data who changed it and when it was changed.

This report is useful to view the changes made to an employee’s data. The employee changes included in this report:

  • Client identification - where the change happened, such as user’s IP address.

  • Field name - the name of the field that was changed.

  • New value - the new value.

  • Occurred at - the time the change was made.

  • Old value - the value before the change.

  • Operation - the type of change.

  • Performed by - the user that made the change.

  • Table name - the system path where the change was made.

Schedule custom reports

EMPSCH1 - Employee Schedules

Basic employee information, plus all of the employee’s currently scheduled shifts.

This report is useful to view the employee’s current schedule, including their assigned shift. The employee schedule shifts included in this report:

  • Department code - CostCenter1 used on the punch.

  • Department description - the description of CostCenter1 used on the punch.

  • Department two code - CostCenter2 used on the punch.

  • Department two description - the description of CostCenter2 used on the punch.

  • Date - the schedule date of the assigned shift.

  • End time - the ending time of the assigned shift.

  • Job code - job code associated with the exception.

  • Job description - job description associated with the exception.

  • Notes - notes that were entered on the scheduled shift.

  • Scheduled hours - the number of hours scheduled.

  • Scheduled minutes - the number of minutes scheduled

  • Start time - the starting time of the assigned shift.

  • Task code - the task code assigned to the hours.

  • Task description - the description of the task assigned to the hours.

EMPSCH2 - Schedule vs. Actual

Basic employee information, plus scheduled times, actual times punched, and times rounded (due to Rounding or Schedule Policies).

This report is useful to view the employee’s scheduled time compared to their actual time worked. The employee schedule details included in this report:

  • Actual hours - the number of hours the employee worked.

  • Actual time in - the actual time the employee clocked in.

  • Actual time out - the actual time the employee clocked out.

  • Date - the scheduled date.

  • Rounded time in - the rounded time used for when the employee clocked in based on the rounding policy set up.

  • Rounded time out - the rounded time used for when the employee clocked out based on the rounding policy set up.

  • Scheduled time in - the time the employee is scheduled to clock in.

  • Scheduled time out - the time the employee is scheduled to clock out.

  • Scheduled hours - the number of hours the employee is scheduled to work.

Benefits custom reports

EmpBenfiPl - Employee Benefit Plans

Basic employee information plus the employee’s assigned benefits (see Employees > HR > Benefits section).

This report is useful to view the employee’s benefit plans. The employee benefit plan details included in this report:

  • Carrier name - the name of the plan’s carrier.

  • Class code - the benefit class code.

  • Class description - the description of the benefit class code.

  • Coverage type - the benefit plan coverage type.

  • Decline reason - the reason for why the employee declined coverage.

  • Deduction frequency - how often the deduction is scheduled.

  • Dependent eligibility to age - the eligibility age of the dependent.

  • Employee contribution amount - the employee’s portion of the contribution amount.

  • Employee deduction amount - the employee's amount towards the deduction.

  • Employee deduction code - the deduction code.

  • Employee deduction description - the deduction code description.

  • Employee enrollment end date - the date the employee's enrollment ended.

  • Employee enrollment start date - the date the employee's enrollment started.

  • Employer deduction amount - the employer’s amount towards the deduction.

  • Enrollment status - the employee’s enrollment status in the benefit plan.

  • Group number - the plan’s group number.

  • Has HSA - indicates if HSA is included in the benefit plan.

  • Health plan type - the type of health plan.

  • Membership number - the benefit plan membership number.

  • Metal level - the benefit plan level.

  • Plan description - the benefit plan description.

  • Plan end date - the date the benefit plan ends.

  • Plan name - the name of the plan.

  • Plan start date - the date the benefit plan starts.

  • Plan type - the type of benefit plan.

  • Predecessor division benefit plan name - the corresponding plan name from previous benefit plan.

  • Premium cost - the benefit premium cost.

  • Primary care clinic ID - the primary care clinic ID.

  • Primary care clinic name - the primary care clinic name

EmpBenDep - Employee Benefit Dependents

Basic employee information, plus the employee’s dependents (see Employees > HR > Dependents section).

This report is useful to view the employee’s dependents enrolled in benefits. The employee dependents enrolled in benefits details included in this report:

  • Carrier name - the name of the plan’s carrier.

  • Class code - the benefit class code.

  • Class description - the description of the benefit class code.

  • Coverage type - the benefit plan coverage type.

  • Decline reason - the reason for why the employee declined coverage.

  • Deduction frequency - how often the deduction is scheduled.

  • Dependent eligibility to age - the eligibility age of the dependent.

  • Employee contribution amount - the employee’s portion of the contribution amount.

  • Employee deduction amount - the employee's amount towards the deduction.

  • Employee deduction code - the deduction code.

  • Employee deduction description - the deduction code description.

  • Employee enrollment end date - the date the employee's enrollment ended.

  • Employee enrollment start date - the date the employee's enrollment started.

  • Employer deduction amount - the employer’s amount towards the deduction.

  • Enrollment status - the employee’s enrollment status in the benefit plan.

  • Group number - the plan’s group number.

  • Has HSA - indicates if HSA is included in the benefit plan.

  • Health plan type - the type of health plan.

  • Membership number - the benefit plan membership number.

  • Metal level - the benefit plan level.

  • Plan description - the benefit plan description.

  • Plan end date - the date the benefit plan ends.

  • Plan name - the name of the plan.

  • Plan start date - the date the benefit plan starts.

  • Plan type - the type of benefit plan.

  • Predecessor division benefit plan name - the corresponding plan name from previous benefit plan.

  • Premium cost - the benefit premium cost.

  • Primary care clinic ID - the primary care clinic ID.

  • Primary care clinic name - the primary care clinic name.

  • Dependent phone - the dependent’s phone number

  • Dependent address - the dependent’s address.

  • Dependent date of birth - the dependent’s date of birth.

  • Dependent email - the dependent’s email address.

  • Dependent gender - the dependent’s gender.

  • Dependent is disabled - indicates if the dependent is disabled.

  • Dependent relationship - the dependent’s relationship to the employee.

  • Dependent SSN - the dependent’s Social Security Number.

  • Dependent tobacco user - indicates if the dependent is a smoker.

  • Dependent member number - the dependent’s member number.

  • End date - the date the benefits end for the dependent.

  • Start date - the date the benefits start for the dependent.

EmpBeBenF1 - Employee Benefit Beneficiaries

Basic employee information, plus the employee’s recorded beneficiaries for life insurance, including the start and end dates of coverage.

This report is useful to view the employee’s beneficiaries for life insurance. The employee beneficiary details included in this report:

  • Carrier name - the name of the plan’s carrier.

  • Class code - the benefit class code.

  • Class description - the description of the benefit class code.

  • Coverage type - the benefit plan coverage type.

  • Decline reason - the reason for why the employee declined coverage.

  • Deduction frequency - how often the deduction is scheduled.

  • Employee contribution amount - the employee’s portion of the contribution amount.

  • Employee deduction amount - the employee's amount towards the deduction.

  • Employee deduction code - the deduction code.

  • Employee deduction description - the deduction code description.

  • Employee enrollment end date - the date the employee's enrollment ended.

  • Employee enrollment start date - the date the employee's enrollment started.

  • Employer deduction amount - the employer’s amount towards the deduction.

  • Enrollment status - the employee’s enrollment status in the benefit plan.

  • Group number - the plan’s group number.

  • Has HSA - indicates if HSA is included in the benefit plan.

  • Health plan type - the type of health plan.

  • Membership number - the benefit plan membership number.

  • Metal level - the benefit plan level.

  • Plan description - the benefit plan description.

  • Plan end date - the date the benefit plan ends.

  • Plan name - the name of the plan.

  • Plan start date - the date the benefit plan starts.

  • Plan type - the type of benefit plan.

  • Predecessor division benefit plan name - the corresponding plan name from previous benefit plan.

  • Premium cost - the benefit premium cost.

  • Primary care clinic ID - the primary care clinic ID.

  • Primary care clinic name - the primary care clinic name.

  • Beneficiary address - the beneficiary’s address.

  • Beneficiary date of birth - the beneficiary’s date of birth.

  • Beneficiary email - the beneficiary’s email address.

  • Beneficiary gender - the beneficiary’s gender.

  • Beneficiary relationship - the beneficiary’s relationship to the employee.

  • Beneficiary SSN - the beneficiary’s Social Security Number.

  • Designation - the beneficiary's designation.

  • End date - the end date for the beneficiary.

  • Start date - the start date for the beneficiary.

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