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How to Set Up Earning Codes
How to Set Up Earning Codes

If you have multiple types of earnings for your organization, this article will help you set up new earning codes.

Jeffrey Mo avatar
Written by Jeffrey Mo
Updated over 10 months ago

Holiday, Overtime, Regular, Sick, and Vacation are default codes that come standard when your company is created. If you need additional earning codes, complete the following procedure.

Set up earning codes

  1. Log in to your Fingercheck account as an Administrator.

  2. Click the SETUP tab > Payroll > Earnings.

  3. Click Add.
    The Add Earning panel that appears.

  4. To select a predefined template (for example, Bereavement):

    1. Click the Add button for that template

    2. Click OK in the confirmation windows that appear.

    3. Click the X in the top-right corner to close the Add Earning panel.
      The earnings code appears in your list of codes.

    4. If you want to make changes, click the Edit icon (pencil) next to the code, and make your changes, and click Save.
      Each field for earnings codes is described in the About earnings code fields section below.

  5. If none of the pre-defined templates suit your needs, create your own earnings code:

    1. Click Add Custom to create a new earnings code.

    2. Complete the fields, which are described in the About earnings code fields section below.
      If you are keeping track of your rates within Fingercheck, complete the additional fields accordingly. If not, you can simply complete the required codes at the top of the window.

    3. Click Save.

About earnings code fields




An abbreviated name for the code.

In combination with the Description field, this makes up the full name of the schedule as displayed in other areas of Fingercheck.

Short Description

A short descriptive name for the code.

When exporting your timesheets, this description is exported. Enter a name that should be displayed in your payroll export.


A longer, more proper name, usually combined with the Code to help identify the deduction when displayed in other areas of Fingercheck.

Earning Type

Select the earning type you want to use. Options include Exempt Wages, Taxable Wages, Tips, and more.

Calculation Rule

Select an option to set the way your employees' rates will be calculated for this earning code. Options are:

  • HoursxRatexFactor: Multiplies the hours worked by rate.

  • FlatAmount: A flat amount, which you will enter in the Rate field.

Rate Factor

If you are calculating the employee’s rate by multiplying the hours worked, enter the multiple of the regular rate to use to calculate this earning.

For example, when creating a Double Time earning code, enter 2 to double their regular rate. Or, for Overtime, employees might be making 1.5x their regular rate, so enter 1.5.


To use a special rate, enter it here.

Rate Code

Select your rate code.

This drop-down list is fed from SETUP > Payroll > Rate Codes. See How to Set Up Custom Rates Per Employee for a Specific Job.

Rate Rule

The rule for calculating the rate for this earning if needed:

  • Special: Select if you entered a rate in the Rate field.

  • Entered: Select if the earnings code will use a fixed amount.

  • Rate Code: Select if the earnings code will use a rate code with a rate already assigned to it.

  • Rate Code Plus Special: Select if the earnings code will use a rate code and you want to pay a special amount above that.

  • Entered Plus Special: Select if the earnings code will use a fixed amount and you want to pay a special amount above that.

  • Rate Source Plus Special: Select if the earnings code will use a base rate that is assigned by the job, not by the individual employee.


If you selected a FlatAmount as your calculation rule, enter the amount to use here.

Process Sequence

Enter a number to set the priority this earning code should have over other earning codes when processing.

Lower numbers represent a higher priority. For example, 1 is the highest priority and should be processed before other codes.

Display Sequence

The order in which you want your division earning codes to be displayed on payroll reports.

Lower numbers represent a higher priority. For example, 1 is the highest priority. For example, Regular is typically displayed first, so you would enter 1. For Double Time, you would enter 2.

W2 Box 14 label

The label for the deduction if the earning should appear in Box 14 of the W-2 form of any employees using this earning code (for example, union dues, employer-paid tuition assistance or after-tax contributions).

Exclude In Total Hour Display

Select this option if you do not want to include this earnings code with the total hours (in the Total By Earning area of the timecard).

Hide Hours On Payroll Grid

Select this option to hide the hours worked under this earning code when viewing on the Payroll Grid.

Hide Amount on Payroll Grid

Select this option to hide the amount paid under this earning code when viewing on the Payroll Grid.

Hide Earning On Paystub

Select this option to hide the hours worked and amount paid under this earning code from appearing on the employee's paystub. This feature is recommended for earnings that are used for calculations. Check out How to Add a Caclulate-Only Earning for more details.

Import Amounts From Time Card

Select this option to use the timecard amounts value (not the number of hours). This might be used for special setups where the rate is not the regular rate.

Trigger Other Earning

Select an earning that you want to use in addition to the earning code you are creating.

Match Trigger With Attributes

Select this option to have the triggered earning selected in the field above match.

Trigger Deduction

Select a deduction that you want to use in addition to the earning code you are creating.

Imputed Income

Select this option if you want to calculate the taxes on this earning, but you don’t want to include the income in the paycheck. For example, if a waiter receives cash tips, they have already received the income, and the income needs to appear on the paycheck for reporting purposes.


The frequency rule to use for this earning. The frequency dictates how often the earning should trigger if it is applied to an employee's file. This field is required.

The drop-down list is fed from SETUP> Payroll > Frequencies. See How to Set Frequencies for Payroll Activities.

Workers Comp

If your worker’s compensation is set up with Fingercheck, select one of the following options:

  • GrossWages: The most common selection.

  • OvertimeWages: Select this option if you want to keep overtime wages for workers comp at the regular pay rate.

  • TipWages: Select this option if you want to include tips as part of the wage calculations.

  • None: Select if you do not want the earnings to be linked to workers comp.

Minimum Amount

Enter a minimum amount for this earning.

Maximum Hours

Enter a maximum amount of hours that can be worked for this earning.

Maximum Amount

Enter a maximum amount for this earning.

Maximum Accumulator

Select an option for an accumulator that you set up in the SETUP tab > Payroll > Accumulators.

Other Maximum Type

In conjunction with the Other Maximum Amount field below, select the type of maximum you want to use. Options enable you to set current, month-to-date, quarter-to-date, and year-to date amounts or hours. Or you can select a percentage of disposable or gross.

Other Maximum Amount

In conjunction with the Other Maximum Type field above, enter a maximum limit of funds that can be taken over a period. The deduction stops processing if the limit is reached within the specified period.

Transfer Excess Amount To

Select the earnings code you would like to transfer any excess amounts to.

Create a separate check?

Enter the check number for the earning. For example, if you separate overtime into a separate check, you might enter 2 for the second check.

Select check type:

Select the check type for the earning. For example, a check type is created for special consideration for calculating taxes and deduction.

After Calc Custom Expression

To enter advanced calculations in this field, contact Fingercheck Support.

Here's a brief video showing how:

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