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Types of Available Reports
Types of Available Reports

Fingercheck includes many canned reports that can provide helpful information about your company statistics

Jeffrey Mo avatar
Written by Jeffrey Mo
Updated over 10 months ago

This article lists the many reports available in Fingercheck. Simply hover over the REPORTS tab select one of the categories, and select a report.

For more information, see also How to Run a Report and How to Create a Custom Report.

Company reports

Report Name

Report Code


ACA Status By Employee


Displays information relevant to Employers who are filing ACA Forms 1095-C, grouped by Employee. Includes Monthly and Average Weekly Hours.

ACA Monthly Crosstab By Employee


Displays information relevant to Employers who are filing ACA Forms 1095-C, grouped by Employee, across multiple months in a spreadsheet format. Includes Monthly and Average Weekly Hours.

ACA Forecast By Employee


Displays information relevant to Employers who are filing ACA Forms 1095-C, grouped by Employee, projected across the remainder of the current year. Includes Hire Date, Pay Type, and Scheduled Hours.

ACA Large Employer Summary


Displays information relevant to Employers who are filing ACA Forms 1095-C, grouped by Month. Shows number of Full Time Employees, Part Time Hours, and FTEs.

ACA Large Employer CrossTab


Displays information relevant to Employers who are filing ACA Forms 1095-C, grouped by Month in a spreadsheet format. Shows number of Full Time Employees, Part Time Hours, and FTEs.



A list of all Fingercheck Invoices within the specified date range, complete with amounts, billing cycle, method of payment, and invoice numbers.

Employee reports

Report Name

Report Code


Employee Clock Info


A list of all Employees with their associated Clock Numbers, Clocks Enrolled, RFID Numbers, Clock Passcodes, and Clock Supervisor status.

Employee List


A full employee roster, arranged alphabetically and including information such as Home Address, SSN, Clock#, Hire Date, Pay Type, Job Title, and more.

Time card reports

Report Name

Report Code


Daily Time Card


Displays all In/Out punch pairs within the specified day. Includes totals of Worked and Break Time, as well as paid hours and any Exceptions triggered.

Day Time Card


Displays all In/Out punch pairs within the specified date range, grouped by Date. Includes totals of Worked and Break Time, as well as paid hours and any Exceptions triggered.

Exception Report


Displays In/Out punch pairs for any days an Exception was triggered within the specified date range, grouped by Employee.

Time Card Note Report


Lists all notes recorded by the administrator or supervisor on the employee's time card within the specified date range.

TimeCard Approval


Shows if Time Cards were approved for employees that worked within the specified date interval.

Employee Time Card


Displays all In/Out punch pairs within the specified date interval. Includes totals of Worked and Break Time, as well as paid hours and any Exceptions triggered.

Time Card With Details


Displays all In/Out punch pairs within the specified date interval. Includes Punch Type and Details (e.g. Location), totals of Worked and Break Time, and paid hours.

Time Card With Details Jobs


Displays all In/Out punch pairs within the specified date interval. Includes Punch Type, Details (e.g. Location), Job, Task, totals of Worked and Break Time, and paid hours.

Time Card With Schedule


Displays all In/Out punch pairs within the specified date interval. Includes Scheduled Times, totals of Worked and Break Time, as well as paid hours and any Exceptions triggered.

Weekly Time Card


Displays all In/Out punch pairs within the specified date interval. Includes Job/Task Punched, totals of Worked and Break Time across the interval, as well as paid hours and any Exceptions triggered. There is no page break between employees.

Weekly Time Card 2


Displays all In/Out punch pairs within the specified date interval. Includes Job Punched, totals of Worked and Break and Deduction Time across the interval, as well as paid hours and any Exceptions triggered. There is no page break between employees.

Payroll reports

Report Name

Report Code


Agency Check Register


Listing of all Agency Checks (e.g. Child Support, Workers Comp, etc.) generated within the specified date range.

CARES Avg Monthly Report


Calculates Gross Pays and Employer Taxes as averages over the course of a year. Intended to provide the information required to apply for a Payment Protection Program (PPP) loan.

PPP Forgiveness Report


Calculates Full-Time Equivalency (FTE) and Total Cost amounts across the specified period (minimum 24 weeks). Intended to assist with determining forgiveness of a Payment Protection Program (PPP) loan.

FFCRA 7200 Tax Credits


Pre-filled printout of Part 2 of IRS Form 7200, used to request advance payment of FFCRA tax credits, such as qualified sick/family leave wages and employee retention credits.

Summary Report


Shows a breakdown of Hours Worked and Amounts Paid based on Cost Center Levels (e.g. Departments).

Job Summary Report


Shows a breakdown of Hours Worked and Amounts Paid based on Job punched.

Custom General Ledger


General Ledger export in CSV format, designed to be imported into a custom accounting software.

Funding Transfers


Listing of all Funding Transfers (e.g. Location Transfers etc.) generated within the specified date range.

Payroll Register By Cost


Payroll Report showing all Earnings, Taxes, and Deductions grouped by assigned Jobs and Tasks.

Payroll Cross Tab


Excel Spreadsheet file showing all Earnings, Taxes, and Deductions grouped by assigned Jobs.

Summary By Pay Period


Listing of all hours worked by Employees, across multiple pay periods, and grouped by Cost Center Level (e.g., Department).

Paid Hours Report


Total counts of all hours worked by Employees across the specified date range.

Payroll Comparison


Spreadsheet showing all employees Earnings, Taxes, and Deductions, across multiple payroll runs side-by-side.

Payroll Comparison By Month


Spreadsheet showing all employees Earnings, Taxes, and Deductions, across multiple months side-by-side.

Payroll Check Register


Listing of all checks issued within a payroll run. Shows information on Earnings, Employee Taxes, Deductions, and pay allotment including check numbers.

Payroll Register With Employer Tax


Listing of all checks issued within a payroll run. Shows information on Earnings, Employee Taxes, Employer Taxes, Deductions, and pay allotment including check numbers.

Payroll Expense By Date Range


Totals of all checks issued across multiple payroll runs (based on check dates). Shows information on Earnings, Employee Taxes, Employer Taxes, Deductions, pay allotment, and number of checks issued.

Payroll Register With Taxable Wages


Listing of all checks issued within a payroll run. Shows information on Earnings, Employee Taxes, Employer Taxes, Taxable Wages, Deductions, and pay allotment including check numbers.

Payroll Register With Workers Comp


Listing of all checks issued within a payroll run. Shows information on Earnings, Employee Taxes, Employer Taxes, Worker's Comp Agency, Deductions, and pay allotment including check numbers.

Payroll Totals by Employee


Totals of all checks issued across multiple payroll runs (based on check dates), grouped by Employee. Shows information on Earnings, Employee Taxes, Employer Taxes, Deductions, pay allotment, and number of checks issued.

Payroll Summary


Totals of all Payroll information, separated by payroll runs per check date. Similar to the "Payroll Summary" viewable from the Payroll Dashboard.

Payroll Count Stats


Counts number of employees paid, gross pays, numbers of employees separated by Gender and Pay Types (W2/1099), and number of deposits/checks issued, grouped by Month.

Payroll Summary By Date Range


Totals of all Payroll information across all payroll runs within the specified date range. Similar to the "Payroll Summary" viewable from the Payroll Dashboard.

Quarterly Recap


Shows all Wages and Tax Amounts paid over the course of a quarter. Also shows counts of employees paid within the quarter by Gender.

Quarterly Earnings Records


Listing of all checks issued within a Quarter. Shows information on Earnings, Employee Taxes, Employer Taxes, Deductions, and pay allotment including check numbers.

Total Check Register


Spreadsheet displaying totals of all Earnings, Employee Taxes, Employer Taxes, and Deductions across a pay period, including MTD, QTD, and YTD amounts.

W2 Reconciliation


Totals of all Tax Amounts over the course of a year, separated by Employee, including the Gross, Subject, Exempt, and Taxable Wage amounts used for calculation.

Workers Comp Report


Shows all employees' Worker's Compensation Premium amounts over the specified date range, as well as Gross Pays, Subject and Exempt Wages, grouped by policy.

Year to Date Register


Totals of all Earnings, Employee Taxes, and Deductions as QTD and YTD amounts, separated by Employee, as of the specified date.

Year to Date Register With Employer


Totals of all Earnings, Employee Taxes, Employer Taxes, and Deductions as QTD and YTD amounts, separated by Employee, as of the specified date.

Schedule reports

Report Name

Report Code


Employee Schedule Report


Displays all employees assigned Schedule Policies for each day within the specified range. Also includes Schedule Notes and assigned Department.

Employee Schedule TimeCard Report


Displays all employees' schedules that are assigned within the specified range. Includes Scheduled In/Out Times, Assigned Department, Job, and Task, total Hours Worked, and Schedule Notes.

Attendance reports

Report Name

Report Code


Absence Requests


A detailed snapshot of all requested Absences within the specified date range, grouped by Employee. Shows Absence Policy used, Number of Hours requested, and current acceptance status.

Employee Requests


A detailed snapshot of all General Requests within the specified date range, grouped by Employee. Shows request type, current acceptance status, and additional notes.

Employee Exception Report


A list of all Exceptions triggered within the specified date range, grouped by Employee.

Live Status Report


Lists all Employees who are punched in at the time of running. Also includes clock number and assigned Department.

Employee PTO Accruals


Displays all Accrual Policy transactions for the selected date range, including available balance, last rollover and accrued dates, and allowed/used amounts.

Audit reports

Report Name

Report Code


TimeCard Audit Trail


Lists detailed information on manual changes made to any time sheets within the specified date range (e.g., changes made by Admin/Supervisor users).

Employee Audit Trail


Lists detailed information on manual changes made to any employee within the specified date range (e.g., changes made by Admin/Supervisor users).

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