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How to Create a Schedule Policy

Schedule Policies allow you to tell Fingercheck when an employee is supposed to be clocked in.

Jeffrey Mo avatar
Written by Jeffrey Mo
Updated over 6 months ago

Schedule policies in Fingercheck are an important and helpful tool for companies. A schedule policy allows you to set parameters when an employee is supposed to be clocked in. Then, Fingercheck can use that information in several ways (most commonly in tandem with exception policies and alert policies).

You can create as many schedules as you want and assign them to all your employees so that your staff operates on the correct schedules you need using Fingercheck.

Set up a schedule policy

  1. Sign in to your Fingercheck account as an Administrator.

  2. Click the SETUP tab > Policies > Schedule Policies.

  3. Click Add to open the Schedule window.

  4. In the Code and Description fields, enter an abbreviated name and a short description for the policy.

    Combined, these fields make up the full name of the policy as displayed in other areas of Fingercheck.

  5. Enter the number of minutes for each grace period for your employees to punch in or out:

    • In Early Grace Period

    • In Late Grace Period

    • Out Early Grace Period

    • Out Late Grace Period

    If you are flexible about what constitutes an exception, this schedule rule can offer your employees leniency and prevent you from receiving notices on minor clock-in infractions. For example, if your employees are scheduled to come in at 9:00 a.m., but you allow them to punch in 5 minutes early or late without triggering an exception, enter 5 into the appropriate Grace Period fields.

    If you have an exception policy, you can make a rule that your employees can be late or early by a set number of minutes and allow them to clock in without triggering an exception in the In Early Grace Period and In Late Grace Period field. For more information, see How to Create Early and Late Exceptions.

  6. In the Schedule Rules section, edit or add schedule rules. (Default rules are set up from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. from Sunday to Saturday.)

    1. To delete any days that aren't applicable, click the Delete icon (trash can).

    2. To edit an existing schedule, click the Edit icon (pencil), and edit the fields, which are described in About fields in the Edit Schedule Rule window below.

    3. To add a schedule rule, click Add.

      The Add Schedule Rule pop-up window appears.

    4. Complete the fields, which are described in About fields in the Edit Schedule Rule window below.​

    5. Punch rules:

      1. Round punches to shift start time: Follows the schedule rules specified in either the schedule policy or the selected master profile.

        1. This rule must be used with a schedule policy. A scheduling rule can be used on a specific employee, a master profile, or a shift.

        2. The options for "round punches in" and "round punches out" must be chosen in the schedule policy itself. These choices will not do anything if the user only makes them in the add shift modal.

        3. They only work when a schedule policy with those options chosen is chosen directly in the add shift modal. In this case, the checkboxes are automatically chosen.

        4. Although the user can deselect them as an override, they can not choose them as an override.

      2. Round punches to shift end time: Follows the schedule rules specified in either the schedule policy or the selected master profile.

        1. This rule must be used with a schedule policy. A scheduling rule can be used on a specific employee, a master profile, or a shift.

        2. The options for "round punches in" and "round punches out" must be chosen in the schedule policy itself. These choices will not do anything if the user only makes them in the add shift modal.

        3. They only work when a schedule policy with those options chosen is chosen directly in the add shift modal. In this case, the checkboxes are automatically chosen.

        4. Although the user can deselect them as an override, they can not choose them as an override.

      3. Do not allow early punches on web/mobile: Prevents punches before the scheduled time.

        1. This option only applies to mobile, web, and tablet punches (not time clocks).

    6. Click Apply.

  7. Click Save to save the schedule policy.

  8. Apply the policy to your employees' master profile.

    1. Click the Setup tab > System > Master Profiles.

    2. Select the profile to which you want to apply your scheduling policy.

    3. From the Scheduling Policy drop-down list, select the policy.

    4. Click Save.

      For more information, see How to Set up a Master Profile.

Fields in the Edit Schedule Rule Window

The following are the fields to complete in the Add Schedule Rule window for a schedule policy.



Schedule Week Day

Select a day for the schedule.

Week Number

When creating a set schedule, enter 1.

When creating a rotating schedule (a schedule that operates one way one week and a different way the next week), enter a number other than 1.

To accommodate for constantly shifting schedules, create multiple rules outlining which schedules apply to each week. For example, if the first week your employees work from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and the second week they work from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., enter 1 for the first week and 2 for the second, and so on.

Start Time

Start time for the schedule.

End Time

End time for the schedule.

In Start Minute Window

In End Minute Window

Out Start Minute Window

Out End Minute Window

Set windows of time to trigger exceptions for early and late punches:

  • In Start Minute Window: The number of minutes before the start time that would trigger an exception. This option rounds everything up to this number. For example, if the In time is 9 a.m., and In Start Minute Window is set to 60, all punches from 8 am will round to 9 including 8:00 a.m.

  • In End Minute Window: The number of minutes after the start time that would trigger an exception. This option does not include the last minute. (For example, if the In time is 9 a.m., and In End Minute Window is set to 60, all punches from 9 a.m. to 9:59 a.m. (not 10:00 a.m.) will round to 9 a.m.

  • Out Start Minute Window: The number of minutes before the out time.

  • Out End Minute Window: The number of minutes after the out time.

For example, a scheduled start time might be 8:00 a.m. If you enter 15 for In Start Minute Window and you enter 15 for In End Minute Window, exceptions are triggered when when employees punch in before 7:45 and 8:15 a.m.

If you want to create related exceptions and alerts, see How to Create an Alert for Missed In Punches.

Strict Schedule

In conjunction with the In Start, End Start, Out Start, and Out End Minute Window fields above, select the following options to round the punch to the actual scheduled time:

  • Round punches to shift start time: Follows the schedule rules specified in either the schedule policy or the selected master profile.

    1. This rule must be used with a schedule policy. A scheduling rule can be used on a specific employee, a master profile, or a shift.

    2. The options for "round punches in" and "round punches out" must be chosen in the schedule policy itself. These choices will not do anything if the user only makes them in the add shift modal.

    3. They only work when a schedule policy with those options chosen is chosen directly in the add shift modal. In this case, the checkboxes are automatically chosen.

    4. Although the user can deselect them as an override, they can not choose them as an override.

  • Round punches to shift end time: Follows the schedule rules specified in either the schedule policy or the selected master profile.

    1. This rule must be used with a schedule policy. A scheduling rule can be used on a specific employee, a master profile, or a shift.

    2. The options for "round punches in" and "round punches out" must be chosen in the schedule policy itself. These choices will not do anything if the user only makes them in the add shift modal.

    3. They only work when a schedule policy with those options chosen is chosen directly in the add shift modal. In this case, the checkboxes are automatically chosen.

    4. Although the user can deselect them as an override, they can not choose them as an override.

  • Do not allow early punches on web/mobile: Prevents punches before the scheduled time.

    1. This option only applies to mobile, web, and tablet punches (not time clocks).

Start Break Time

The scheduled start time for this day's break.

End Break Time

The scheduled end time for this day's break.

Master Profile

If your employees have differing policies on different days of the week, select a master profile from the drop-down list to override the master profile on this scheduled day.

For example, if on Fridays, an employee has a different break policy, you would have a separate master profile with that break policy and specify it here.

Auto Add Hours

The number of hours to automatically add to the employee's total hours for that day on their time card, if the employee does not punch in.

Effective Days

  • Start Date

  • End Date

The dates you want to start and end the schedule.

If you are creating a "permanent" schedule, enter a date far into the future such as 1/1/2099.

Division Earning

Select the earning code to override to the hours worked under this schedule rule. (The options in this drop-down list are fed from SETUP > Payroll > Earnings.)

Selecting a division earning is useful when employees have a differing pay structure on a certain day of the week.


Click this button to copy all settings you've set here to all of the other days in your policy.

How to Apply the Policy to Employees

To apply your schedule policy, you can take one of the following actions:

  • Use a master profile so that all the employees who are assigned to that master profile will use this schedule.

  • Set the policy for individual employees.

Apply the policy via master profile

  1. Log in to your Fingercheck account as an Administrator.

  2. Click the SETUP tab > System > Master Profiles.

  3. Click the Edit icon (pencil) next to the master profile you would like to assign the schedule to.

  4. Select the Use Scheduled checkbox.

  5. From the Schedule Policy drop-down list, select the schedule policy.

  6. Click Save.

Apply the policy to an individual employee

  1. Log in to your Fingercheck account as an Administrator.

  2. Click the EMPLOYEES tab.

  3. Click the name of the employee to open their record.

  4. Click the Profile tab.

  5. Click the Edit icon (pencil) next to the employee master profile you want to edit.

  6. From the Schedule Policy drop-down list, select the schedule policy.
    This selection overwrites the schedule policy in the master profile assigned to the employee.

  7. Click Save.


  1. Sign in to your Fingercheck account as an Administrator.

  2. Click the EMPLOYEES tab.

  3. Click the name of the employee to open their record.

  4. Click the Personal tab.

  5. Select Schedule Rules

  6. Click +Add

  7. From the Schedule Policy drop-down list, select the schedule policy.
    This selection overwrites the schedule policy in the master profile assigned to the employee.

  8. Click Save.

How to generate a schedule

  1. To see your schedule in calendar format, click the SCHEDULE tab.

  2. Click the blue Actions button.

  3. Select Generate Shifts.

  4. In the Generate Schedule pop-up window that appears:

    1. Enter a Start Date and End Date for the schedule.
      Tip: Err on the side of fewer days, as it may be difficult to remove or change these dates after you've generated them.

    2. Do not select the Override Defaults checkbox.
      Keeping the checkbox cleared ensures that the scheduled rules will generate the hours per day based on the schedule you created.

    3. To select specific employees for this schedule, click Select Employees at the bottom of the window, and select the employees.
      By default, all employees are selected.

    4. Click Generate.

Generate scheduled tasks

Use Scheduled Tasks to automatically generate a schedule every month.

  1. Log in to Fingercheck as an Administrator.

  2. Go to SETUP > System > Scheduled Tasks.

  3. Click Add.

  4. In the Schedule Task information section, enter a Code and Description for the task.

    The Code is an abbreviated name for the task.

    The Description is a short descriptive name. Together, these fields make up the full name as displayed in other areas of Fingercheck.

    You can leave the other fields as is.

  5. In the Task Actions section, click Add.

    1. In the pop-up window that appears, select a Job Action AUSH - Automatic Monthly Employee Schedule from the drop-down list.
      The Job Parameters section change depending on what you selected. For example, if you selected, the pop-up appears as shown below.

    2. Some Job Actions do not have job parameters.
      See Types of actions for scheduled tasks below for the available actions.

    3. Complete the fields.

    4. Click Apply.

  6. In the Task Triggers section, click Add.

    1. Enter a Start Date and End Date.
      If you want the task to be "permanent," select an end date far into the future.

    2. Select the Time of day when you want the Schedule to be created.

    3. Select a Trigger Type: Monthly.
      The Month field changes depending on the option you select.

    4. Click Apply.

  7. Click Save.

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