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System Security Roles Permissions

Fingercheck has three default Security Roles: Employees, Supervisors, and Administrators.

Jeffrey Mo avatar
Written by Jeffrey Mo
Updated over a week ago

Security Roles in Fingercheck are used during the setup of a Security User to tell the system what that user can and cannot do.

The three default security roles in Fingercheck are Employees, Supervisors, and Administrators. These are referred to as system roles. By default, each role has a set list of permissions. These roles cannot be changed; however, you can create separate custom Security Roles to fit your needs and use them for your employees instead.

To learn how these security roles are assigned to a user's account, see How to Create a New User.

Employee permissions

Mobile Features

  • Time off

  • Schedule

  • Time card

  • Edit tax withholding (Payroll employees)

  • Edit direct deposit (Payroll employees)


  • View schedule module

  • View, edit, and approve time cards

  • View mass edit time card

  • View mass entry time card

  • View daily details

  • View report module

  • View celebrations

  • View the employee directory

  • Modify employee image

  • View employee position rates

  • View time card reports

  • View schedule reports

  • View attendance reports

  • View employee self-service reports

  • View employee requests

  • Approve employee requests

  • Punch via clock terminal

  • Delete absence requests

  • View, edit, and approve expense requests

Mobile Features


All of the above, 360 Plus

  • View employee list

  • Add employee list

  • Add employee

  • View setup module

  • View employee module

  • View schedule module

  • View payroll module

  • View payroll Reports

  • View audit trail Reports

  • View employee Reports

  • View policies Reports

  • View security Filters

  • View security Users

  • View clock management

  • View attachments

  • Edit an employee

  • Delete an employee

  • Use the quick action on the employee list

  • View company reports

  • Sign employees up for the mobile app

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