Fingercheck requires that all clients register for state and local payroll tax accounts, where they are required to make payments. Employers are responsible for paying all payroll taxes, including the employees’ portion withheld from their paychecks.
This article will provide you with Fingercheck's tax requirements for Hawaii and will include sections for payroll tax facts and supported filings. The payroll tax facts section gives more details about Hawaii.
The tax ID format will list examples of accepted tax IDs that can be entered in Fingercheck for successful payroll filings.
The new employer rate is the rate that the state assigns to employers who sign up for a brand-new unemployment account. We are also providing the range of unemployment rates the state can assign to a single employer.
The unemployment wage base is the wage limit on employee
taxable wages paid during the calendar year that employers are required to calculate and pay unemployment taxes.
The minimum wage is the minimum wage employees should be paid.
The supported filings section provides more details about the unemployment and withholding filings supported by Fingercheck, in addition to details about withholding tax frequencies and new hire reporting.
To be able to fully utilize Fingercheck’s all-in-one payroll services in Hawaii, your company must first be registered for the following payroll tax accounts:
Unemployment tax account with the Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations.
Withholding tax account with the Hawaii Department of Taxation.
Hawaii Payroll tax facts
Unemployment tax ID format: ########## (10 digits)
New employer unemployment rate: 3.00%
Min - max unemployment rate: 0.0 - 5.80%
Unemployment wage base: $59,100
Withholding tax ID format: WH-###-###-####-## (“WH” + 12 digits)
Minimum wage: $14.00
It is scheduled to rise to $16.00 per hour on January 1, 2026.
Hawaii supported filings
Fingercheck supports all payroll and new hire reporting in Hawaii. A new hire report is submitted for every new hire and employee that you rehired in Fingercheck.
Tax | Filing and payment | Frequency |
Unemployment | Wage, Contribution and Employment and Training Assessment Report (UC-B6) | Quarterly |
Withholding | Tax Payment | Per payroll |
Withholding | Tax Filing (HW-14) | Quarterly |
Withholding | Annual Withholding Tax Filing (HW-3) | Annually |
Withholding | Wage and Tax Statement (W-2) | Annally |
Register for Hawaii payroll accounts
Employers will need to register for two tax accounts in Alaska to allow Fingercheck to successfully draft and file your state taxes.
Check out How to Register for a State Tax ID to find out more about working with our partner to submit an employer registration for a payroll account.
Once you receive your tax ID, check out How to Add a State Tax ID in Fingercheck.
Employers can register online for their unemployment account between the following times listed below:
Monday through Friday
6:30 11:00 p.m. HST
Weekends and Holidays
9:00 11:00 p.m. HST
You will receive your tax ID upon successfully completing the online registration.
If you have any questions about your account or registration, you can contact the Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations by phone at 808-586-8982.
Employers can submit the BB-1 online application for a new business license. You can also submit a paper Form BB-1 to register for a withholding account. You will receive your tax ID upon successfully completing the online registration.
If you have any questions about your account or registration, you can contact the Hawaii Department of Taxation by phone at 808-587-4242.
Need to know more about another state?
Thank you for using Fingercheck. If you have any questions, use the chat option below, or you can reach out to our team at 1-800-610-9501