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List of Payroll Error Codes

List of all payroll errors and quick steps to resolve.

Jeffrey Mo avatar
Written by Jeffrey Mo
Updated over 9 months ago

Receiving a payroll error upon processing payroll can be frustrating. This list of payroll errors provides the quick steps to resolve the errors so you can finish processing your payroll. In addition to providing the quick resolution, we provide a link to additional articles for more details on how to avoid the error in the future.

Export payroll errors

You can export the payroll validation errors to a .CSV file. The payroll errors will be identified with an Error Number. Each payroll error is also assigned a number for severity.

When the payroll errors are exported they will be grouped by the level of severity, and listed in ascending order by Error Number.

  1. Login to Fingercheck as an Admin.

  2. Start processing payroll from the Payroll tab.

  3. Click Run Payroll.

  4. Confirm Check Date and click Next.

  5. Enter payroll information and click Next.

  6. At Step 5 of the payroll process, export the Payroll Errors report.

    1. Click the the .CSV icon.

    2. Navigate to the folder the Payroll Errors report saved and open.

Understanding and managing error severity levels

When it comes to payroll errors, we've got a system in place to help you understand how serious they are. We use three levels to identify payroll errors: Warning, Error, and Fatal Error.

Warning: No need to panic! A warning won't put a stop to your payroll processing. However, it's important to give it some attention. Take a look, make the necessary adjustments, and you'll be on track for smooth payroll reporting.

Error: If you stumble upon an error, don't worry – we're here to help! You might need a hand from our Fingercheck Support team to tackle this one. It's a good idea to resolve the error before processing your next payroll..

Fatal Error: The name might sound scary, but we've got your back. A fatal error does mean you can't finish processing payroll just yet. However, once you've fixed the error, you'll be able to continue processing payroll.

When exporting the payroll errors list, you'll see Fatal Errors listed first, followed by Warnings.

Remember, we're here to guide you through these levels of severity. Keep calm and handle those errors one step at a time!

Payroll Errors

Error Number

Error Description

Quick Resolution



Terminate a W2 employee and add them as a 1099

1. Log in to Fingercheck as an Administrator.

2. Click the EMPLOYEES tab, and click the employee's name or number to open their profile.

3. Under Personal, click under the Profile pic in the Green Active section.

4. Select Terminate to terminate the employee.

5. Click the EMPLOYEES tab from the blue menu on the left.

6. Click New Employee on the right side of the window.

7. Select Contractor/1099, and click Next.

8. Complete the wizard to add the contractor.

9 You'll be required to provide basic information, such as the employee's name, ID number, clock number, and so on.

10. The Tax Type will automatically be set to NEC1099.

11. At the bottom of the page, turn on the Enable Employee Self-Onboarding toggle.

12. Click Next.

The system will send an email invitation to the address you entered for the Work Email field.

Fatal Error


Error_2DaysPriorToCheckDate = "Direct deposit is due at least 2 business days before the check date; please change the check date to {1} or a later date.";

Change check date

1. From the Run Payroll screen click the pencil icon on the top right next to the dates.

2. Edit the Check Date.

3. Click Save.


Error_2DaysPriorToCheckDateTS = "Tax service is due at least 2 business days before the check date; please change the check date to {1} or a later date.";

Change check date

1. From the Run Payroll screen click the pencil icon on the top right next to the dates.

2. Edit the Check Date.

3. Click Save.

Fatal Error


Error_5DaysPriorToCheckDate = "A minimum of 5 business days is required before the check date because your total direct deposit liability is greater than $500,000. Please change the check date to a later date, or contact PayOps, if you choose to schedule an immediate wire transfer.";

Change check date

1. From the Run Payroll screen click the pencil icon on the top right next to the dates.

2. Edit the Check Date.

3. Click Save.



Error_CheckDateHoliday = "Your check date is a bank holiday; please change the check date. {link to payroll holiday calendar}";

Change check date

1. From the Run Payroll screen click the pencil icon on the top right next to the dates.

2. Edit the Check Date.

3. Click Save.



Error_DateAfterCheckDate = "You are processing payroll for a check date earlier than today; please change it to a later date.";

Change check date

1. From the Run Payroll screen click the pencil icon on the top right next to the dates.

2. Edit the Check Date.

3. Click Save.



Error_DateBeforeCheckDate = "You are processing payroll for a check date more than 14 days from today; please change it to an earlier date.";

Change check date

1. From the Run Payroll screen click the pencil icon on the top right next to the dates.

2. Edit the Check Date.

3. Click Save.



Error_DefaultHourlyCode = "Please add a Default Hourly Code that will be automatically applied to a salary employee during the onboarding process. These options are available in the SETUP > Company > Default Settings.";

Add a Default Hourly Code

1. Log in to Fingercheck as an Administrator.

2. From the left-hand menu click SETUP > Company > Default Settings

3. Select the Default Hourly Code from the dropdown menu.

4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Save.

Fatal Error


Error_DefaultSalaryCode = "Please add a Default Salary CodeThat will be automatically to a salary employee during onboarding process. After making changes to default settings, restart the payroll. These options are available in the SETUP > Company > Default Settings.";

Add a Default Salary Code

1. Log in to Fingercheck as an Administrator.

2. From the left-hand menu click SETUP > Company > Default Settings

3. Select the Default Salary Code from the dropdown menu.

4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Save.

Fatal Error


Error_EmployeeNotActive = "{0} is terminated. Please confirm the employee should be paid, or delete their check.";

Delete a check

1. From the Run Payroll screen click the hamburger icon next to the employee's name.

2. Select Delete Check.

The employee's paycheck will be removed from payroll.



Error_CheckDateHolidayWeekend = "The check date is a weekend or a bank holiday; please change your check date. {link to payroll holiday calendar}";

Change check date

1. From the Run Payroll screen click the pencil icon on the top right next to the dates.

2. Edit the Check Date.

3. Click Save.

Fatal Error


Error_5DaysPriorToCheckDateTS = "A minimum of 5 business days is required before the check date because your total federal tax liability is greater than $100,000. Please change the check date to a later date, or contact PayOps, if you choose to schedule an immediate wire transfer.";

Change check date

1. From the Run Payroll screen click the pencil icon on the top right next to the dates.

2. Edit the Check Date.

3. Click Save.



Error_EmployeeOnBoarding = "{0} has not completed onboarding. Once they have finished it, you can run payroll.";

Fatal Error


Add a Payee Reference

1. Log in to your Fingercheck account as an Administrator.

2. In the left-hand menu, select EMPLOYEES.

3. Click on the employee’s name.

4. Select Payroll > Deductions from the menu on the left.

5. Click the pencil icon next to the Child Support Deduction.

6. Add the Case Number under the Payee Reference field.

7. Click Save.





Update employee SSN

1. Log in to your Fingercheck account as an Administrator.

2. In the left-hand menu, select EMPLOYEES.

3. Click on the employee’s name.

4. Under the Personal Details section, click the pencil icon to edit.

5. Correct the SSN.

6. Click Save.

Fatal Error


Update employee SSN

1. Log in to your Fingercheck account as an Administrator.

2. In the left-hand menu, select EMPLOYEES.

3. Click on the employee’s name.

4. Under the Personal Details section, click the pencil icon to edit.

5. Correct the SSN.

6. Click Save.

Fatal Error


Update employee SSN

1. Log in to your Fingercheck account as an Administrator.

2. In the left-hand menu, select EMPLOYEES.

3. Click on the employee’s name.

4. Under the Personal Details section, click the pencil icon to edit.

5. Correct the SSN.

6. Click Save.



Error_EmptyFedID = "Please add the missing tax ID or 'APPLIED" under SETUP > Payroll > Tax Jurisdictions.";

Add a tax ID

1. Log in to Fingercheck as an Administrator.

2. From the left-hand menu click SETUP > Payroll > Tax Jurisdictions.

3. Click the Pencil icon to edit the tax type.

4. Add the tax ID under the Account Number field.

5. Click Save.

Fatal Error


Error_Gross0 = "The gross pay for {0} is less than or equal to $0.00. You need to review and edit the employee's paycheck.";

Edit employee's paycheck

1. From the Run Payroll screen click the hamburger icon next to the employee's name.

2. Select Edit Check.

3. Review and edit Earnings and Deductions.

4. Click Save.



Error_ReimbusrmentAddition = "Employee {0} has additional tax elected on {1}, however their gross pay is less than or equal to $0.00. You need to update the taxes on the employee's check."



Add company bank account

1. Log in to Fingercheck as an Administrator.

2. From the left-hand menu click SETUP > Payroll > Bank Accounts

3. Click New Account to add a new account.

4. Link to your bank account or manually enter the bank account details.

5. Click Save.

Fatal Error


Error_ActiveBankAccount = "At least 1 company bank account is required to process payroll. Add a company bank account under SETUP > Payroll > Bank Accounts.";

Add company bank account

1. Log in to Fingercheck as an Administrator.

2. From the left-hand menu click SETUP > Payroll > Bank Accounts

3. Click New Account to add a new account.

4. Link to your bank account or manually enter the bank account details.

5. Click Save.

Fatal Error


Error_NoChecks = "Your payroll is missing paychecks. If you continue, this payroll will process without paychecks and the next payroll cycle will begin. Please confirm to process without paychecks, or go to the previous screen to add employee checks.";



Error_NoTaxService = "Your company doesn't have a Tax Service listed. Please contact Payroll Support to have Tax Service added. ";



Error_NoLiveTaxService = "We can't process your payroll at this time because your company is not setup with Tax Service. Please contact Payroll Support for more information.";



Add employee taxes and tax work location

1. Log in to your Fingercheck account as an Administrator.

2. Open an employee’s details (Go to the EMPLOYEES tab, and click on the employee’s name.)

3. Select Payroll > Taxes.

4. Click the Edit icon (pencil) in the upper right.

5. In the pop-up window that appears, select a Tax Work Location.

6. In the next pop-up that appears, complete the fields, and click Continue.

7. Click Save.



Add employee SOC Code

1. Log in to your Fingercheck account as an Administrator.

2. In the left-hand menu, select EMPLOYEES.

3. Click on the employee’s name.

4. Under Personal, select Position & Rates.

5. Scroll down to the section EEOC & Classification Information.

6. Click the pencil icon to add the SOC Code.

7. Select the SOC Code.

8. Click Save.



Fatal Error


Error_PALocalCode = "{0} has a Pennsylvania local tax code setup, but we can't determine the exact tax rate to use. Confirm the employee's address is entered correctly, and the setup for local taxes and PSD codes. You could reload the employee's taxes by adding a Tax Work Location under EMPLOYEES > Payroll > Taxes. If you need more help with the local tax code lookup, check out";

Add PSD Code

1. Log in to your Fingercheck account as an Administrator.

2. Open an employee’s details (Go to the EMPLOYEES tab, and click on the employee’s name.)

3. Select Payroll > Taxes.

4. Click the Edit icon (pencil) in the upper right.

5. In the pop-up window that appears, select a Tax Work Location.

6. In the next pop-up that appears, complete the fields, and click Continue.

7. Click Save.



Error_PALocalCodePSD = "{0} has a missing PSD code for their Pennsylvania local tax code setup. Confirm the employee's address is entered correctly, and the setup for local taxes and PSD codes. You could reload the employee's taxes by adding a Tax Work Location under EMPLOYEES > Payroll > Taxes. If you need more help with the local tax code lookup, check out";

Add PSD Code

1. Log in to your Fingercheck account as an Administrator.

2. Open an employee’s details (Go to the EMPLOYEES tab, and click on the employee’s name.)

3. Select Payroll > Taxes.

4. Click the Edit icon (pencil) in the upper right.

5. In the pop-up window that appears, select a Tax Work Location.

6. In the next pop-up that appears, complete the fields, and click Continue.

7. Click Save.



Add employee taxes and tax work location

1. Log in to your Fingercheck account as an Administrator.

2. Open an employee’s details (Go to the EMPLOYEES tab, and click on the employee’s name.)

3. Select Payroll > Taxes.

4. Click the Edit icon (pencil) in the upper right.

5. In the pop-up window that appears, select a Tax Work Location.

6. In the next pop-up that appears, complete the fields, and click Continue.

7. Click Save.

Fatal Error


Add employee's workers comp code

1. Log in to Fingercheck as an Administrator.

2. Click the EMPLOYEES tab, and click the employee's name or number to open their profile.

3. Under Personal, click Position & Rates.

4. Scroll down to the Pay Information section, and click the Edit icon (pencil).

5. From the Workers Comp drop-down list, select the Workers Compensation Code to assign to that employee.

6. Click Save.

Fatal Error


Error_WorkersComp7 = "{0} has payroll data allocate for workers comp for multiple jobs or tasks. Your carrier, Employers, only supports one class per employee. You need to edit the employee's check."; //Employee Number

Edit employee paycheck reporting Carriers workers comp

1. From the Run Payroll screen click the hamburger icon next to the employee's name.

2. Select Edit Check.

3. Remove entries in the Job and/or Task field(s).

4. Click Save.


1. Open an employee’s details (Go to the EMPLOYEES tab, and click on the employee’s name.)

3. Select Payroll > Labor Allocation.

4. Click the Edit icon (pencil) to edit the employees Job or Task.

7. Click Save.



Add employee's workers comp code

1. Log in to Fingercheck as an Administrator.

2. Click the EMPLOYEES tab, and click the employee's name or number to open their profile.

3. Under Personal, click Position & Rates.

4. Scroll down to the Pay Information section, and click the Edit icon (pencil).

5. From the Workers Comp drop-down list, select from the options available the Workers Compensation Code to assign to that employee.

6. Click Save.


Error_WorkersComp1 = "Workers Comp assigned to {0} is not setup. Confirm the workers comp code is setup (SETUP > Payroll > Workers Comp Codes) and added to the employee's profile (EMPLOYEES > Personal > Position & Rates)."; //Employee Number

Add workers comp code to company and employee

1. Log in to Fingercheck as an Administrator.

2. From the left-hand menu click SETUP > Payroll > Workers Comp Codes

3. Click Add.

4. Add the workers comp Details.

5. Click Save.

6. Click the EMPLOYEES tab, and click the employee's name or number to open their profile.

7. Under Personal, click Position & Rates.

8. Scroll down to the Pay Information section, and click the Edit icon (pencil).

9. From the Workers Comp drop-down list, select from the options available the Workers Compensation Code to assign to that employee.

10. Click Save.



Error_WorkersComp2 = "Workers Comp Code {0} has no Rate. Add a rate to the workers comp code under Setup > Payroll > Workers Comp Codes."; //Employee Number

Add workers comp code rate

1. Log in to Fingercheck as an Administrator.

2. From the left-hand menu click SETUP > Payroll > Workers Comp Codes

3. Click the Pencil icon to edit.

4. Add the workers comp rate under the Rate field.

5. Click Save.

Fatal Error


Error_WorkersComp10 = "{0} works in Alaska and needs a workers comp code to report their occupation. Add a workers comp class code to the employee setup under EMPLOYEES > Personal > Position & Rates. Please note the workers comp code in the system reflects the Alaska occupation code";//Employee Number

Add workers comp code reporting Alaska Occupation

1. Log in to Fingercheck as an Administrator.

2. Click the EMPLOYEES tab, and click the employee's name or number to open their profile.

3. Under Personal, click Position & Rates.

4. Scroll down to the Pay Information section, and click the Edit icon (pencil).

5. From the Workers Comp drop-down list, select from the options available the Workers Compensation Code to assign to that employee.

6. Click Save.

Fatal Error


Error_WorkersComp3 = "The following earning(s) does not have an assigned worker's comp type {0}. Please assign a workers comp code to the earnings under SETUP > Payroll > Earnings.";

Assign a workers comp code to earnings

1. Log in to Fingercheck as an Administrator.

2. From the left-hand menu click SETUP > Payroll > Earnings

3. Click the Pencil icon next to the earnings type.

4.Select the Workers Comp from the dropdown menu.

5. Click Save.

Fatal Error


Error_WorkersComp8 = "This check has a Workers Comp Code {0} assigned to a different tax work location {1}. Please edit the tax work location on the check or the employee's profile under EMPLOYEES > Payroll > Taxes."; //Employee Number

Edit tax work location on employee paycheck or edit employees tax work location

1. From the Run Payroll screen click the hamburger icon next to the employee's name.

2. Select Edit Check.

3. Update the Tax Work Location field.

4. Click Save.


1. Log in to your Fingercheck account as an Administrator.

2. Open an employee’s details (Go to the EMPLOYEES tab, and click on the employee’s name.)

3. Select Payroll > Taxes.

4. Click the Edit icon (pencil) in the upper right.

5. In the pop-up window that appears, select a Tax Work Location.

6. In the next pop-up that appears, complete the fields, and click Continue.

7. Click Save.



Error_HoldForOperation = "We can't process your payroll at this time because your account is on hold. Please contact Payroll Operations for more information.";

Fatal Error


Error_WorkersComp4 = "{0} has wages under workers comp code {1}, but the workers comp rate is 0. Add a rate to the workers comp code under SETUP > Payroll > Workers Comp Codes."; //Employee Number

Add a workers comp rate

1. Log in to Fingercheck as an Administrator.

2. From the left-hand menu click SETUP > Payroll > Workers Comp Codes

3. Click the Pencil icon to edit.

4. Add the workers comp rate under the Rate field.

5. Click Save.



Error_WorkersComp5 = "{0} has payroll requiring hours reporting under workers comp code {1}. Edit the employee's check and add hours."; //Employee Number

Add hours to the employee's paycheck

1. From the Run Payroll screen click the hamburger icon next to the employee's name.

2. Select Edit Check.

3. Click Add.

4. Select Earning type and add hours to the employee check.

5. Click Save.



Error_WorkersComp6 = "We can't calculate earning {0} for Workers Comp as the Rate Factor is less than or equal to 0. Add a Rate Factor to the earnings under SETUP > Payroll > Earnings."; //Employee Number

Add an earnings rate factor

1. Log in to Fingercheck as an Administrator.

2. From the left-hand menu click SETUP > Payroll > Earnings

3. Click the Pencil icon to edit the Earnings type.

4. Add the rate under the Rate Factor field.

5. Click Save.

Fatal Error


Auto void a check

1. Log in to Fingercheck as an Administrator.

2. From the PAYROLL dashboard click Void Checks.

3. On the Void Checks page, click Add Void.

4. In the panel that opens, select whether you want to Search by date or by Search by employee, and click Next.

5. In the final screen, select whether you want to void immediately or your next payroll. If you want to select a future payroll, click the link and select the date.

6. Click Confirm.

Fatal Error


Error_AutoVoid2 = "{0} original voided check has uncollected tax. Please contact payroll support for help with voiding this check."; //Employee Number

Fatal Error


Error_AutoVoid1 = "{0} voided check can't be processed because it is not in the current quarter. Please contact payroll support and request an amendment to be filed."; //Employee Number

Fatal Error


Error_AutoVoid3 = "{0} orignal check has been voided before. Please confirm you would like to void this check again."

Fatal Error


Error_Deduction0 = "Employee {0} has the same deduction reported more than once on one check for . Please edit the check and combine the amounts."; //Employee Number

Edit employee paycheck

1. From the Run Payroll screen click the hamburger icon next to the employee's name.

2. Select Edit Check.

3. Select the Deductions tab.

4. Combine the amounts into one deduction.

5. Delete the additional Deduction type.

6. Click Save.



Add a tax work location to the employee's profile

1. Log in to your Fingercheck account as an Administrator.

2. Open an employee’s details (Go to the EMPLOYEES tab, and click on the employee’s name.)

3. Select Payroll > Taxes.

4. Click the Edit icon (pencil) in the upper right.

5. In the pop-up window that appears, select a Tax Work Location.

6. In the next pop-up that appears, complete the fields, and click Continue.

7. Click Save.



Error_TaxCodesUINoRateEmployer = "The following Employer tax jurisdiction has no Rate {0}. Please add the tax rate under SETUP > Payroll > Tax Jurisdictions.";

Add a tax rate

1. Log in to Fingercheck as an Administrator.

2. From the left-hand menu click SETUP > Payroll > Tax Jurisdictions.

3. Click the Pencil icon to edit the tax type.

4. Add the tax rate under the Rate field.

5. Click Save.



Add a tax ID

1. Log in to Fingercheck as an Administrator.

2. From the left-hand menu click SETUP > Payroll > Tax Jurisdictions.

3. Click the Pencil icon to edit the tax type.

4. Add the tax ID under the Account Number field.

5. Click Save.


Error_TaxLocationHasNoID = "The following tax work locations is missing tax ID {0} for new hire reporting. Please add the missing tax ID under SETUP > Payroll > Tax Jurisdictions.";

Add a tax ID

1. Log in to Fingercheck as an Administrator.

2. From the left-hand menu click SETUP > Payroll > Tax Jurisdictions.

3. Click the Pencil icon to edit the tax type.

4. Add the tax ID under the Account Number field.

5. Click Save.

Fatal Error


Error_SSECNotMatch = "Check for {0} Social Security tax for the Employee and Employer does not match. Please confirm the employee's tax setup under EMPLOYEES > Payroll > Taxes. ";

Add taxes

1. Log in to your Fingercheck account as an Administrator.

2. Open an employee’s details (Go to the EMPLOYEES tab, and click on the employee’s name.)

3. Select Payroll > Taxes.

4. Review Social Security taxes under Employee and Employer tabs.

5. Edit taxes by clicking the pencil icon that should be Exempt or Block.

6. Click Save.



Error_SSECNotMatch = "Check for {0} Medicare tax for the Employee and Employer does not match. Please confirm the employee's tax setup under EMPLOYEES > Payroll > Taxes. ";

Add taxes

1. Log in to your Fingercheck account as an Administrator.

2. Open an employee’s details (Go to the EMPLOYEES tab, and click on the employee’s name.)

3. Select Payroll > Taxes.

4. Review Social Security taxes under Employee and Employer tabs.

5. Edit taxes by clicking the pencil icon that should be Exempt or Block.

6. Click Save.



Error_SSECNotMatch = "Check for {0} Medicare tax for the Employee and Employer does not match. Please confirm the employee's tax setup under EMPLOYEES > Payroll > Taxes. ";

Add taxes

1. Log in to your Fingercheck account as an Administrator.

2. Open an employee’s details (Go to the EMPLOYEES tab, and click on the employee’s name.)

3. Select Payroll > Taxes.

4. Review Medicare taxes under Employee and Employer tabs.

5. Edit taxes by clicking the pencil icon that should be Exempt or Block.

6. Click Save.

Fatal Error


Add employee taxes and tax work location

1. Log in to your Fingercheck account as an Administrator.

2. Open an employee’s details (Go to the EMPLOYEES tab, and click on the employee’s name.)

3. Select Payroll > Taxes.

4. Click the Edit icon (pencil) in the upper right.

5. In the pop-up window that appears, select a Tax Work Location.

6. In the next pop-up that appears, complete the fields, and click Continue.

7. Click Save.



Error_SUIDuplicate = "Employee {0} has more than 1 State Unemployment tax code setup. Go to the employee's profile and update unemployment taxes or add a Tax Work Location under EMPLOYEES > Payroll > Taxes.";

Add employee taxes and tax work location

1. Log in to your Fingercheck account as an Administrator.

2. Open an employee’s details (Go to the EMPLOYEES tab, and click on the employee’s name.)

3. Select Payroll > Taxes.

4. Click the Edit icon (pencil) in the upper right.

5. In the pop-up window that appears, select a Tax Work Location.

6. In the next pop-up that appears, complete the fields, and click Continue.

7. Click Save.



Error_TaxWorkLocation = "Employee {0} has earnings without a defined the Tax Work Location. Edit the employee's check and add the tax work location to the earnings type.";

Add tax work location to the employee's paycheck

1. From the Run Payroll screen click the hamburger icon next to the employee's name.

2. Select Edit Check.

3. Update the Tax Work Location field.

4. Click Save.

Fatal Error


Error_TaxWorkLocation1 = "Employee {0} has earnings allocated to a tax location {1} that is not assigned to the employee's profile."

Add employee taxes and tax work location

1. Log in to your Fingercheck account as an Administrator.

2. Open an employee’s details (Go to the EMPLOYEES tab, and click on the employee’s name.)

3. Select Payroll > Taxes.

4. Click the Edit icon (pencil) in the upper right.

5. In the pop-up window that appears, select a Tax Work Location.

6. In the next pop-up that appears, complete the fields, and click Continue.

7. Click Save.



Error_TaxWorkLocationSIT = "Employee {0} has earnings allocated to a tax location {1} and Tax Codes {2} are not assigned to the employee's profile."

Add employee taxes and tax work location

1. Log in to your Fingercheck account as an Administrator.

2. Open an employee’s details (Go to the EMPLOYEES tab, and click on the employee’s name.)

3. Select Payroll > Taxes.

4. Click the Edit icon (pencil) in the upper right.

5. In the pop-up window that appears, select a Tax Work Location.

6. In the next pop-up that appears, complete the fields, and click Continue.

7. Click Save.



Edit FFCRA excess amount

1. From the Run Payroll screen click the hamburger icon next to the employee's name.

2. Select Edit Check.

3. Click Add.

4. Select Earning type field to RG - Regular or SA - Salary, whichever your employee's payments normally appear under.

5. Set the Amount field to the excess amount that was mentioned in the previous error.

6. Edit the the FFCRA Earning Code field, and subtract the excess amount.

7. Click Save.



Error_MinimumWageVaidation = "Your employee {0} has a pay rate below the minimum wage. Please confirm the employee's pay rate, or edit the employee's pay rate under Employees > Personal > Positions & Rates.";

Edit the employee's pay rate

1. Open an employee’s details (Go to the EMPLOYEES tab, and click on the employee’s name.)

3. Select Personal > Positions & Rates.

4. Scroll down to the section Rates and click Add.

5. In the next pop-up that appears, complete the fields, and click Save.



Error_AmTrustPolicyNumber = "Fingercheck needs to add the AmTrust workers comp policy number to your account. Please send the Policy number to the Fingercheck Insurance department";

Send your AmTrust workers comp policy to Fingercheck's Insurance Department at .



Error_EmployersPolicyNumber = "Fingercheck needs to add the workers comp policy number to your account. Please send the Policy number to the Fingercheck Insurance department;

Send your workers comp policy to Fingercheck's Insurance Department at



Error_ElectronicChildSupport = "Electronic Child Support service is setup without Direct Deposit Service. Please contact Payroll Ops to have Direct Deposit Service added.";




Fatal Error


Error_PayOnDemandSetup = "You have Unpaid Pay On-Demand Transactions and company deductions are not properly set up. Please correct Pay On-Demand deductions under SETUP > Payroll > Deductions.";

Edit Pay On-Demand deduction code

1. Log in to Fingercheck as an Administrator.

2. From the left-hand menu click SETUP > Payroll > Deductions

3. Click the Pencil icon to edit the Pay On-Demand Deduction type.

4. Edit the deduction by clicking the Pencil icon.

5. Click Save.

Please contact Payroll Support if you need more assistance with this deduction setup.

Fatal Error


Error_PayOnDemandNoProcessed = "The following employee(s) have Pay On-Demand Transactions not funded and scheduled to pay with this payroll {0}. Please contact Payroll Support for assistance.";

Fatal Error


Error_PayOnDemandNoProcessed1 = "The following employee(s) have Pay On-Demand Transactions scheduled to pay with this payroll but are not getting paid {0}. Please contact Payroll Support for assistance.";

Fatal Error


Error_PayOnDemandNoProcessedNoCheck = "Employee {0} have Pay On-Demand Transactions scheduled to be repaid this payroll in the amount of {1} but don't have a check. Please contact Payroll Support for assistance."

Fatal Error


Error_100KPerCheck = "Employee {0} has a direct deposit greater than $100,000 requiring a minimum process of 5 business days prior to the check date. Please change the check date to a later date, or contact Payroll Ops, if you choose to schedule an immediate wire for the direct deposit to Fingercheck.";



Error_PriorQuarter1 = "{0} Can't be processed because it is not in the current quarter. Please contact payroll support and request an amendment to be filed."; //Employee Number

Fatal Error


Error_NegativeWages = "Check for {0} can't be processed right now because it will result in negative QTD/YTD wages or taxes for {1}, and will cause incorrect amounts to be reported on their W-2. Please contact Payroll Support for assistance.";

Fatal Error


Error_SplitLimitCarrier = "Fingercheck needs a valid Split Limit (PayGo) entered on your account. Please reach out to Fingercheck Insurance at";

Fatal Error


Print manual check

1. From the Payroll click Manual Checks.

2. Click the Hamburger menu on the check that needs to be printed.

3. Select Print Check.

4. Enter the Check Number.

5. Click Continue.

6. Open the .PDF and print the check.



Error_MEDIAdd1 = "Check for {0} Medicare Additional Taxable Wages is not equal to 0, however there is no tax amount associated with this tax. You need to update the Medicare Additional Taxable Wages on the employee's check.";

Edit employee's paycheck

1. From the Run Payroll screen click the hamburger icon next to the employee's name.

2. Select Edit Check.

3. Select the Taxes tab.

4. Check if there are any Medicare Additional Taxable Wages listed.

5. If there are, update the tax amount to ensure it is not zero.

6. Click Save.

Fatal Error


Error_AvarageDiffrence = "Your employee {0} has {1} that is {2} different than the average {3} received to date. Please confirm the employee's paycheck, or edit the paycheck under the Run Payroll screen.";

Edit employee's paycheck

1. From the Run Payroll screen click the hamburger icon next to the employee's name.

2. Select Edit Check.

3. Review earnings, deductions, and taxes.

4. Update amounts, if needed.

5. Click Save.



Remove FFCRA Sick Code from the employee's paycheck

1. From the Run Payroll screen click the hamburger icon next to the employee's name.

2. Select Edit Check.

3. Select a new earnings and enter the amount.

4. Delete the FFCRA Sick Code earnings type.

6. Click Save.



1. Log in to your Fingercheck account as an Administrator.

2. Open an employee’s details (Go to the EMPLOYEES tab, and click on the employee’s name.)

3. Select Payroll > Taxes.

4. Click the Employer Taxes tab.

5. Edit icon (pencil) next to the unemployment tax that should be deactivated.

6. In the pop-up window that appears, select Block.

7. Click Save.



Error_DuplicateTaxCode = "{0} check has the same Tax Code {1} reported multiple times on the same check. Please edit the check and remove or combine the amounts.";

Edit employee's paycheck

1. From the Run Payroll screen click the hamburger icon next to the employee's name.

2. Select Edit Check.

3. Select the Taxes tab.

4. Combine the amounts into one deduction.

5. Delete the additional Tax type.

6. Click Save.

Fatal Error


Error_Deduction5 = "Check for {0} has a Post Tax Deduction triggering a PreTax Deduction. Edit the deduction code to be post tax under SETUP > Payroll > Deduction."; //Employee Number

Edit deduction code

1. Log in to Fingercheck as an Administrator.

2. From the left-hand menu click SETUP > Payroll > Deductions

3. Click the Pencil icon to edit the Deduction type.

4. Delete the deduction by clicking the Trashcan icon, or edit the deduction by clicking the Pencil icon.

5. Tax Type dropdown menu should be O-Post Tax.

6. Click Save.

Fatal Error


Edit employee direct deposit setup

1. From Employees profile select Payroll > Direct Deposit.

2. Click on the Pencil icon to edit a bank account.

3. For the account that should receive the remainder of the check, leave Calculation Type as RemainOnCheck.

4. Under the Amount field enter 100.

5. Click Save.

6. For the account that should no longer be remainder of check, delete by clicking the Trash icon, OR edit the account by clicking the Pencil icon.

7. Change the Calculation Type to Percentage or Flat.

8. Under the Amount field, enter the percentage or flat dollar amount.

9. Click Save.

Fatal Error


Error_ABAAccountChange = "{0} has Direct Deposit Account Information that was not used in prior payrolls. Please ensure that you are aware of this change."



Error_ACHBlacklist = "URGENT: The bank account of {0}, your employee, has been flagged as potentially fraudulent. Please immediately review the direct deposit information for this employee by navigating to Employee Profile > Payroll > Direct Deposit before processing payroll."


Thank you for using Fingercheck. If you have any questions, please use the chat option below, or you can reach out to our team at 1-800-610-9501.

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