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How to Void Checks

These steps will guide you how to void a check.

Jeffrey Mo avatar
Written by Jeffrey Mo
Updated over 11 months ago

There may come a time when you need to void a processed check, especially if you unwittingly make a mistake and need to cancel out errors. For more information, see What Happens After You Void a Check.

Void a check

  1. Log in to Fingercheck as an Administrator.

  2. Click the PAYROLL tab.

  3. Click Void Checks.

  4. On the Void Checks page, click Add Void.

  5. In the panel that opens, select whether you want to Search by date or by Search by employee, and click Next.

  6. If you selected Search by date:

    1. Select the payroll date that contains the check(s) you wish to void and click Next.

    2. Click the down arrow for a particular date.

    3. Select the checks you want to void, and click Save.

    4. Repeat steps 5b and 5c for any other dates.

    5. Click Next.

  7. If you selected Search by employee:

    1. Select the employees whose checks you want to void, and click Next.

    2. Click the down arrow for a particular employee.

    3. Select the checks you want to void, and click Save.

    4. Repeat steps 6b and 6c for any other employees.

    5. Click Next.

  8. In the final screen, select whether you want to void immediately or your next payroll.

    If you want to select a future payroll, click the link and select the date.

  9. Click Confirm.

    Any voids that are not processed immediately will be pending in the main void queue. They can be removed up until the processing date of the payroll they are scheduled with.

Here is a short video demonstration:

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