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How to Make Mass Entries for Employees
How to Make Mass Entries for Employees

The mass entry feature lets you select highly specific commands to help you do what you need.

Jeffrey Mo avatar
Written by Jeffrey Mo
Updated over 10 months ago

As a supervisor with little time to dedicate to tasks outside your managerial duties, you can make entries on behalf of your employees quickly within Fingercheck.

From entering punches and hours to marking employees as absent and grouping their hours worked under specific earning codes and earning types, you can do it all using our new and improved mass entry functionality.

Make mass entries

  1. Log in to your Fingercheck account as an Administrator or Supervisor.

  2. Hover over the TIME & LABOR tab, and click Mass Entry.

  3. In the Details section that appears, complete the fields.
    Depending on the Type option you select, the fields in the Details section change. For more information, see About mass entry options below.

  4. In the Date Range section, select the Start Date and End Date.

  5. Select any days you want to exclude from the changes.

  6. In the Filter Details section, select the employees you want to effect with this change.

  7. In the Entry Details section, enter the relevant information in the fields.

    IMPORTANT: There is no undo feature for mass entry changes. Be sure you are applying entries for the correct type, hours, days, and employees before clicking Save.

  8. Click Save.

Mass entry options

When you open the Mass Entry screen, you can select one of the following options:

  • Punch: Perform individual punches and company-wide punches. With this option, you can customize punch type (auto, in, out, or transfer) and the punch time and date.

  • Absence: Mark your employees as all being absent. For example, you might want to log out your entire company because of a snow day. When you select Absence, you will enter the hours and select the absence policy you want to apply.

  • Hours: Enter a specific amount of hours for your employees. Then, select the earning code and earning type.

  • Schedule In: Punch in your employees at their scheduled time. This might benefit you if you’d like to make a company-wide punch according to the different start times of your various departments. You can make a uniform punch entry according to their schedule.

  • Schedule Out: Punch out employees according to their scheduled “out” time.

  • Absence as Per Schedule: Enter a mass absence for your employees. For example, if you forgot to mark a certain holiday that was company-wide, you can retroactively select the absence policy, and start date and end date. The absence is applied to whatever hours they were scheduled for.

  • Hours as Per Schedule: For employees with different schedules, you can configure the hours to reflect all the different schedules using this function.

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