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How to Offer Employee Benefits to Your Team
How to Offer Employee Benefits to Your Team

After you have set up benefit offerings in Fingercheck, you can offer them to employees

Jeffrey Mo avatar
Written by Jeffrey Mo
Updated over 10 months ago

After you have created employee benefit offerings, you can offer them to your employees. To do this you, must create class codes for each employee benefit offering. Class codes allow you to assign different benefit offerings to groups of employees.

After you create class codes, you can open the benefits up to all employees to enroll. You might open an enrollment period at the end of the year (for example, November 15 - December 15) for the following year (January 1).

For new employees or employees with qualifying life events (such as birth, adoption, or death), you can offer benefits outside of an open enrollment period.

Create class codes

  1. Log in to Fingercheck as an Administrator.

  2. Hover over the INSURANCE tab and select Class Codes.

  3. To create a new class code:

    1. Click Add Class in the top-right corner.

    2. In the Code field, enter an abbreviated name (for example, Sales). In the Description field, enter a short descriptive name (for example, Sales Team).
      These fields makes up the full name of the class code.

    3. Click Save.

  4. Create the rules for the class code.

    1. On the Class Codes tab, click the Class Rules button for the class code.

    2. Click the hamburger icon in the top-right corner, and select Add Rule.

    3. On the Add Class Rule pop-up window, select a benefit type, and click Continue.

      IMPORTANT! You must add a class rule for each benefit type (Medical, Dental, and so on).

    4. Complete the fields in the panel that appears.
      The Start Date and End Date for the class rule must match the Start Date and End Date for the benefit offer.

    5. On the Contributions tab at the bottom, select the Amount Type (Fixed or Percent), and enter the dollar amount or percentage that you (the employer) will contribute per month.

    6. On the Plans tab, click Add to add a plan to follow this class rule.

      Add as many plans as needed for the class rule.

      For the default offer, select the Default Offer checkbox. (There must be a default selected.)

    7. Click Save.

Assign class codes to employees

  1. Click the EMPLOYEES tab, and select the employees to whom you want to make a set of benefits (within a class code) available.

  2. From the Quick Actions menu (hamburger icon), select Mass Change.

  3. From the Change Type drop-down list, select BenefitClassCode.

  4. From the Change To drop-down list, select the class code.

  5. Click OK.

    The Benefit Class you selected appears on the Position & Rates tab of the employee's profile (under Details).

Open enrollment for all employees

  1. Hover over the INSURANCE tab and select Open Enrollments.

    The Company Enrollment tab is active.

  2. Click the hamburger icon in the top-right corner, and select New Enrollment.

  3. On the Basic Setting page, select the Start Date and End Date for the enrollment period. Enter the Effective Date (usually January 1 of the next year).

    If you want to override the standard open enrollment welcome message, you can enter a new message here.

  4. Click Next.

  5. On the Benefits page, turn on the toggles for the benefits you want to offer.

  6. If you want to change the header message, click the down arrow next to Header Message, and enter the message you want to appear for that insurance type.

  7. Click Next.

  8. On the Employees page, select the employees you want to allow to select benefits during the open enrollment period, and click Next.

  9. On the Confirmation page, click Save.

    The selected employees will receive an automated email with instructions about how to select benefits from their Fingercheck app.

Edit open enrollments after your clicked Save

  1. Hover over the INSURANCE tab and select Open Enrollments.

    The Company Enrollment tab is active.

  2. To edit a company enrollment, in the Effective Date column, click the link for the enrollment.

  3. On the next screen, click the hamburger icon to access the options shown below.

    IMPORTANT! You cannot use this method to change the effective date.

  4. To change the effective date, edit each employee's enrollment:

    1. On the page you opened in step 2, click the hamburger icon for the employee, and click Edit.

    2. Make the necessary changes to the dates and benefits.

    3. Click Save.

Open enrollment for an individual employee

You might need to set up open enrollment for an employee who has a qualifying life event (such as birth, adoption, death, and so on).

  1. Hover over the INSURANCE tab and select Open Enrollments.

  2. Click the Employee Enrollment tab.

  3. Click the hamburger icon in the top-right corner, and select New Enrollment.

  4. Select the employee, and click Continue.

  5. In the New Employee Enrollment pop-up window, enter the Start Date and End Date as the period for when the employee can enroll.

  6. Select an Effective Date for the benefits.

  7. Select a Reason (such as Qualified Life Event).

  8. Click Save.

    The employee will receive an automated email with instructions about how to select benefits from their Fingercheck app.

Thank you for using Fingercheck. If you have any questions on this article's topic, you can reach out to our team at 1-800-610-9501, or use the chat option below.

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