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How to Set Up an Online Account for an Employee

Employee's self-service privileges for the website and mobile app.

Jeffrey Mo avatar
Written by Jeffrey Mo
Updated over 8 months ago

As an administrator, you can give your employees self-service privileges, which will let them log in to the website and mobile app where they can do things like request time off, clock in and out, and keep track of their attendance.

To enable this, you can have the employee set up their own self-service account, or you can create the account for them.

Note: When adding an employee, if you selected Enable Employee Self-Onboarding and the employee completed the onboarding process, they already have self-service enabled.

Enable an employee to set up an account

To allow your employee to set up their own account, send them a Self-Service Enrollment E-mail. Once the employee receives it, they can follow the included instructions to set up their username and password.

  1. Log in to your Fingercheck account as an Administrator.

  2. Click the EMPLOYEES tab.

  3. Select the checkboxes for the employees you want to set up self-service for.
    Note: The employees you select must have a work email in the Fingercheck system. (The system will not use the email in the Personal Email field.)

  4. From the triple-bar icon, select Send Self-Service Enrollment.

  5. Review the pop-up message that appears, and click OK.
    An email is automatically sent to the employees’ email addresses to their own self-service accounts.

Troubleshooting tips

If your employees did not receive an email after you completed the procedure above, make sure that the employee has an email address on file, and doesn't already have an account set up.

  1. Log in to your Fingercheck account as an Administrator.

  2. Click the EMPLOYEES tab.

  3. Click the name of the employee in question to open their employee record.

  4. Verify whether a valid email address is listed in the Email field in the Contact info section (not to be confused with the Personal Email field below it).

  5. If you see an email, click Self Service in the left column.

  6. Verify whether the Username field contains a username.
    If a username exists, the employee already has an account, so the system would not send them a new email. Let the employee know they already have an account.

  7. If the employee doesn’t know the account's password, update the password using either of the following methods:

    • Go to Setup > Security > Security Users. Find that username and change the account's password.

    • Ask the user to go to, enter the username, and click the Forgot password link to set it themselves.

  8. If the employee has an email but no username in the Fingercheck system and still doesn’t see an email, advise the employee to check their inbox again, including any SPAM folders they may have.

Set up the account manually

The other option is to simply set up an account for them. This is useful if the employee has no email address.

  1. Log in to your Fingercheck account as an Administrator.

  2. Click the EMPLOYEES tab.

  3. Click the name of the employee in question to open their employee record.

  4. Click Self Service in the left column.

  5. Click Create Username.
    Note: If a username exists, you won't see the Create Username link because that employee already has an account. Let the employee know, and if they don't know the password, ask the user to go to, enter the username, and click the Forgot password link to set it themselves.

  6. In the pop-up window that appears, complete the Username and Password fields, and select Employee from the Role drop-down list.

  7. Click Save.

Customize the Self-Service account

By default, Self-Service accounts allow employees to do a few basic actions, including viewing their assigned schedules, time cards, pay stubs, and W2 forms. You can expand the capabilities for punching in and out, too.

  1. Click the EMPLOYEES tab.

  2. Click the name of the employee in question to open their employee record.

  3. Click Self Service in the left column.

  4. Under the Clock In Options section, edit the following options as needed:

    • Allow Web Punch: Allows the employee to punch from a web browser.

    • IP Address: Limits the employee’s punch solely to their computer by entering their computer’s specific IP address. They can obtain this IP address by going to (It will be the IPv4 Address).

    • Allow Mobile Punch: Allows the employee to punch via the mobile app.

    • Do Not Require GPS on Mobile: Allows the employee to punch without detecting their GPS location.

    • Take Photo on Mobile Punch: Requires the employee to take a photo of themselves when they clock in or out using the mobile app.

    • Mobile Device ID: Limit the employee’s punch solely to one phone by entering their Mobile Device ID.

    • Allow SMS Text Punch: Allows the employee to punch via text message.

    • SMS Phone Number: Enter the phone number they can punch from.

    • Allow Twitter Punch: Allows the employee to punch via Twitter.

    • Twitter Screen Name: Enter the Twitter Screen Name they can punch on.

  5. Click Save.

Thank you for using Fingercheck. If you have any questions about this article, you can reach out to our team at 1-800-610-9501 or use the chat option below.

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