The Schedule module in Fingercheck allows administrators to customize their scheduling experience with different views, categories, and features for managing shifts, settings, filters, and warnings. For additional help with creating shifts, refer to How to Create and Add Shifts and How to Create and Assign Open Shifts.
Viewing the schedule
The Schedule view shows:
Published and unpublished shifts
Employee requested and approved time off
Employees assigned to a shift
Onboarding employees
Open shifts
Amounts of open shifts with orange numerical indicators
To view the schedule:
Log into Fingercheck
Select the Schedule tab.
You can view the schedule by Employees, Departments, Jobs, Cost centers, and Tasks.
Change the view by selecting View by
You can view how many open shifts are available with the shift indicator
Schedule Filters
The Schedule Filter makes scheduling easier by quickly viewing employees based on their assigned schedules and time off.
Viewing by job/task/cost center/department
Navigate through your schedules easily using tabbed views, allowing you to quickly switch between different jobs, tasks, cost centers (CC), and departments.
Grouping by job/task/cost center/department
Similarly, you can now group your schedules using tabs, making it simpler to manage and organize your workforce according to specific criteria.
To apply the Group filters:
Click on the Filter icon next to View by.
Select an option with “Group by”
This will group employees or shifts by their assigned job, task, cost centers (CC), or department
Click Apply filters
The filter sidebar will keep your View by filters and apply when you switch views. To remove the filters, you must click Clear to reset all filters.
Example: You have applied a filter to a "View By" option (ex: view by job) and then log out or switch to a different View by (ex: View by task) and log back in and return to the same "View By" option (View by job), the previously applied filters will be retained when View by job is selected.
Group, filter, and sort from one place
The new sidebar provides a centralized location to group, filter, and sort your schedules, streamlining your workflow and saving you time.
Filters change based on the view by:
Cost Centers
Publishing and unpublishing shifts
Published Shifts: Fully colored
Unpublished Shifts: Dotted line
To publish or unpublish shifts:
Hover your mouse over the shift
Click the pencil icon to edit or use the Published toggle to change the shift status.
If you edit the shift, then click Save & publish in the Edit shift pop-up to change the shift status.
Employee time off requests
You can view both requested and approved employee time off on the schedule. If you forgot to approve a request, you can do so directly from the schedule:
Click the pencil icon to edit.
From the Status dropdown menu, select Approved or Declined.
Click Save.
You will see the new status on the schedule.
Schedule settings
The Schedule Settings allow you to control your scheduling process. You can select what day your work week starts, and working hours, as well as control availability preferences, notifications, and set warnings.
You can assign role rights to other users to manage the scheduler settings, "Manage Schedule Settings." This allows for more control over who can view or modify the settings.
This role right can be added to existing security roles.
All existing and new admin and supervisor roles will have this setting enabled by default.
Learn how to set up security roles here.
Adjust the settings
Click on the Settings icon (gear icon) near the top right of the schedule.
In the Settings pop-up, there are 5 tabs:
Week Starts
Working Hours
Display non-business hours option
Work Week
Employee permissions: Admins can allow employees to trade, cover, and take open shifts, giving them more control over their schedules.
Allow employees to trade shifts.
Allow employees to ask for cover.
Allow employees to take open shifts.
Customize shift card:
Shift details
Display on shift: jobs, departments, tasks, or cost centers
Customize employee section:
Hide employee profile picture
This option improves performance and speed.
Employee notifications
Choose what kind of notifications you want to send:
Send notification to employees on publish shift.
Send notification to employees before shift start time.
Enter the number of minutes before shift starts to send the notification.
Choose which methods to use to send the employee notification:
Push notification
Supervisor notifications
Choose what kind of notifications you want to send:
Send a notification to the supervisor if the employee does not clock in:
Enter the number of minutes after the shift starts to send the notification.
Enter the number of minutes before the shift starts to send the notification.
Select if you want to also send an email copy to the employee
You can add additional email recipients.
Choose which methods to use to send the supervisor notification:
Push notification
Choose which methods to use to send the employee notification:
Push notification
You have the following options:
Allow employees without a cost center, job, or task to be shown as available.
This setting will allow employees with NO assigned cost center, job, or task to be shown as available when scheduling a shift with a cost center, job, or task selected.
Allow employees to select additional positions and allocations when setting their availability.
This setting will allow employees to indicate additional cost centers, jobs, or tasks they are available to work at. If not selected, this will be an admin/supervisor-only functionality.
Choose employees' availability schedule view:
Adjust the settings to choose how employees' availability schedules are displayed.
Allow any employee to be scheduled for the department.
Allow any employee to be scheduled for any job.
Allow any employee to be scheduled for any task.
These settings will allow an employee to be shown as available when scheduling a shift for any cost center, job, or task, regardless of the cost center, job, or task assigned in the employee's profile or additional positions and allocations. Employees with no assignment will also be shown as available.
Admins can set limits to ensure compliance and manage workloads effectively by showing scheduling conflicts directly in the schedule such as:
An employee is scheduled for a shift during their unavailable time or when their availability does not match the shift.
An employee has requested or approved PTO during a scheduled shift.
Overnight shifts spanning into a day not currently in view will have a +1 indicator for clarity and viewing.
Show scheduling conflicts:
Overlapping shift
Approved PTO
Requested PTO
Unavailable employees
Show warnings
Daily work hours per employee
An employee exceeds the specified number of hours a day.
Fill in the hours and minutes.
Weekly work hours per employee
An employee exceeds the specified number of hours a week.
Fill in the hours and minutes.
Number of shifts weekly per employee
An employee exceeds the specified number of shifts in a week.
Fill in the number of shifts.
Number of shifts daily per employee
An employee exceeds the specified number of shifts per day.
Fill in the number of shifts.
Default shift colors
As an admin, you can configure default colors for all shifts based on a specific attribute, or category, such as jobs, tasks, departments, or cost centers. This helps in easily distinguishing shifts by their assigned attribute and saves time by not having to choose a color each time you add a new shift.
Choose a default color for new shifts.
The selected color will be assigned to all shifts unless you specify it to a category:
Cost Center
Please note you can only choose one category at a time.
Warnings and Indicators with Quick Filters
On the schedule, you can quickly view any conflicts and warnings. They are marked in multiple places: the employee row, the job, task, department, cost center, and/or group, and the date columns.
View by Employee
Quick filters display totals for all employees for the current calendar view (daily, weekly, or monthly) when hovering over the filter
Amount of open shifts
Amount of unpublished shifts
Filters to show all employees that have at least 1 unpublished shift for that calendar view.
If the employee list is already filtered by the user, then the quick filter AND the amount will only apply to those selections.
Amount of warnings
Filters to show all employees that have at least 1 warning for that calendar view.
If the employee list is already filtered by the user, then the quick filter AND the amount will only apply to those selections
2. Indicator displays the total hours for the open shifts for the calendar view (daily, weekly, or monthly).
If filters for the job, department, task, or cost center are used, then the quick filter AND the indicator # will only apply to those selections.
3. Quick filters show the total number of open shifts, unpublished shifts, and warnings for that day:
If filters for the job, department, task, or cost center are used, then the quick filter AND the indicator # will only apply to those selections
4. Indicator displays the total hours for the selected employee for the calendar view (daily, weekly, or monthly).
5. Quick filter shows any unpublished shifts for the employee.
Quick filter shows any shifts with warnings or conflicts for the employee.
View by Department, Job, Task, or Cost Center
Quick filters display totals for the selected job, task, or department tab for the current calendar view (daily, weekly, or monthly) when hovering over the filter
Amount of open shifts
Filters to display all open shifts for the jobs, tasks, CC, or department tab that have at least 1 open shift for that current view.
Amount of unpublished shifts
Filters to display all unpublished shifts for the jobs, tasks, CC, or department tab that have at least 1 open shift for that current view.
If the job/task/CC list is already filtered by the user, then the quick filter AND the amount will only apply to those selections
Amount of warnings
Filters to display all warnings for the jobs, tasks, CC, or department tab that have at least 1 open shift for that current view.
If the job/task/CC list is already filtered by the user, then the quick filter AND the amount will only apply to those selections
2. Quick filters display the total hours and shifts for all employees for the selected job, task, or department tab for the current calendar view (daily, weekly, or monthly).
3. Quick filters show the total number of open shifts, unpublished shifts, and warnings for that day:
If filters for the job, department, task, or cost center are used, then the quick filter AND the amount will only apply to those selections.
4. Indicator displays the total hours, people designated, and number of shifts for the selected job, task, or department tab for the current calendar view (daily, weekly, or monthly).
Quick filter shows any open shifts for the tab.
Quick filter shows any unpublished shifts for the tab.
Quick filter shows any shifts with warnings or conflicts for the tab.
Group by Department, Job, Task, or Cost Center
Indicator displays the total hours, people designated, and number of shifts for the selected job, task, or department tab for the current calendar view (daily, weekly, or monthly)
Quick filters display the total hours and shifts for all employees for the selected job, task, or department tab AND group for the current calendar view (daily, weekly, or monthly).
Quick filter shows any open shifts for the tab AND group.
Totals do not update based on the view by a list within a group being filtered.
Quick filter shows any unpublished shifts for the tab AND group.
Totals do not update based on the view by a list within a group being filtered.
Quick filter shows any shifts with warnings or conflicts for the tab AND group.
Totals do not update based on the view by a list within a group being filtered.
3. This tab shows the quick filter and indicator amounts for the selected job, task, department, or cost center only.