Your pay stub will be available to view on payday. You can view and print your W-2 when it is time to prepare your taxes. Available in the Apple App Store or Google Play.
Find your W-2
Log in to the Fingercheck Mobile app as an Employee.
Tap the hamburger icon to open the menu.
Tap on the form you want to view.
You will see a list of the W-2 forms for each tax year you worked for your employer. Tax forms for the prior year may not be available until after January 31 of the next year. For example, your 2023 W-2 form may not be ready until after January 31, 2024.
Want to know more about your W-2? Check out Employees: What is a W-2
Find Pay Stub
Log in to the Fingercheck Mobile app as an Employee.
Tap the hamburger icon to open the menu.
For more details, tap the date.