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Recommended Mappings in General Ledger Setup
Recommended Mappings in General Ledger Setup

This article provides a reference guide for recommended mappings for General Ledger accounts to accounting software account types.

Mayer Brach avatar
Written by Mayer Brach
Updated over 10 months ago

You can learn how to set up and export a General Ledger and for more detailed recommendations for mappings, please see below.

General ledger mapping account types: a reference guide

If you want to integrate your accounts in Fingercheck to your accounting software’s general ledger, you’ll need to know how to map the accounts properly. The four main accounts in a general ledger should be:

  • Bank Account: The bank accounts used for the transactions of your business.

  • Expense: This account includes items you pay for to fund basic operations (generally on a monthly basis). Costs include payroll, employer taxes, and employer-paid benefits.

  • Liability: Liabilities are debts you owe and costs that must be paid to keep the company running. Costs include employee taxes, employee-paid benefits, and loans.

  • Workers Comp: The workers compensation insurance expenses you incur.


Fingercheck Account/Code

Account Type


Direct Deposit, Net Checks

Bank Account

Bank transactions

Wages and salaries


Employee earnings

Employer taxes


Taxes that the employer pays

Employee taxes


Taxes that the employee pays, withheld by the employer and paid on the employee's behalf

Benefit expenses (employer)


Premium payments paid by the employer

Benefit deductions (employee)


The employer withholds premium payments from the employee's pay and uses them to offset the full cost of benefits.

Deductions and garnishments


Child support payments, withheld by the employer and paid on the employee's behalf



Mileage reimbursement, paid directly to the employee

Workers Comp (employer)


Premium payments paid by the employer

Disability or Paid Family Leave (if applicable by state)


The employer withholds premium payments from the employee's pay and uses them to cover the full cost of benefits.

Watch to learn how to set up a general ledger:

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